1 unstable release

0.0.0 Aug 26, 2023

#5 in #deser

MIT license



serialisieren und deserialisieren

A data serialisation library.

Inspired by:


To quickly understand the design, let's compare to serde


This trait represents a scheme that decodes data from the serialised format, eg JSON, YAML, CBOR. sud has no single trait to define this representation, instead we support any function that produces an event. Eg Iterator::next, Stream::next etc.


This trait represents a struct that can be filled with data. sud has no single trait to define this representation, instead we support any function that consumes an event. Eg Extend::extend_one, Sink::start_send etc.


This trait represents a scheme that encodes data to the serialised format, eg JSON, YAML, CBOR. sud has no single trait to define this representation, instead we support any function that cosumes an event. Eg Extend::extend_one, Sink::start_send etc.


This trait represents a struct that has data and can be serialised. sud has no single trait to define this representation, instead we support any function that produces an event. Eg Serializer::fold, Stream::next etc.

The common theme here is events. There are event sources and event sinks. The user is responsible for driving the pipeline from event source to sink.

This makes modelling many different API designs much easier. What sud gives you that serde does not is the ability to produce values from an async Stream and write them to an async TcpStream with no re-implementation required. The serde visitor pattern is very limited to sync only code.


deser is an interesting library. It seems to be inspired by the same desire to have an event driven framework, but when I looked into the code it left some things to be desired

  1. Length prefixed maps/arrays - Some binary encodings use length prefixing for faster deserialisations
  2. Optimisation - performance wasn't a goal of deser. it's full of dynamic dispatch and allocations that I would like to avoid.



Compile times


No runtime deps