#s3 #logging #aws #replace #log-streaming

nightly app stream-logs-to-s3

Buffer text to S3, batching them up by size and/or time period. This is intended to be a replacement for rotatelogs on (e.g.) Apache HTTPD servers running in the cloud.

6 releases

0.1.5 Mar 22, 2023
0.1.4 Apr 18, 2021
0.1.3 Mar 25, 2021

#1382 in Web programming

49 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC


Buffer logs to S3, batching them up by size and/or time period. This is intended to be a replacement for rotatelogs on (e.g.) Apache HTTPD servers running in the cloud.


stream-logs-to-s3 [options] s3://bucket/path-template


  • -d, --duration #<unit>
    Maximum duration to buffer before flushing to S3; defaults to 1h. The duration is any string acceptable to the humantime crate, e.g., "1hour 12min 5s".
  • -t, --tempdir directory
    Temporary directory to use for buffering; defaults to $TMPDIR (if set), /tmp otherwise.
  • -s, --size #<unit>>
    Maximum size to buffer before flushing to S3; defaults to 1MiB. The size is any string acceptable to the byte_unit crate, e.g., "123KiB".
  • -i, --input <filename>
    Read input from the specified file (should be a FIFO) instead of stdin; this is usually for testing.
  • -z, --gzip
    Compress output using gzip.
  • -h, --help
    Show this usage information

Environment variables

stream-logs-to-s3 uses the standard AWS SDK / Rusoto methods of specifying AWS credentials.

    Specify the region to make calls to S3 in. Defaults to us-east-1.
    If specified, read AWS credentials from this section in the ~/.aws/credentials file.
    If specified, the AWS credentials to use.

If credentials are not specified, they are read from the EC2 or ECS metadata endpoint.

Path template

The path template can include the following variables. Timestamps are generated in the UTC timezone.

  • {host_id} — The EC2 instance id, ECS task id, hostname, or IP address.
  • {year} — The current year.
  • {month} — The current month as a 2-digit string.
  • {day} — The current day as a 2-digit string.
  • {hour} — The current hour as a 2-digit string.
  • {minute} — The current minute as a 2-digit string.
  • {second} — The current second as a 2-digit string.
  • {unique} — A unique identifier to ensure filename uniqueness.

To include a raw { or } in the output, double it: {{ / }}.


This program is dual licensed under the MIT and Apache-2.0 licenses.

Copyright © 2021 Ionosphere, LLC.


~588K SLoC