8 releases

0.3.0 Jul 10, 2020
0.2.3 Jul 10, 2020
0.2.2 Jun 26, 2020
0.1.4 Jun 22, 2020

#1604 in Development tools

32 downloads per month

GPL-3.0 license

3.5K SLoC

squawk cargo-badge Rust CI

linter for Postgres migrations


Prevent unexpected downtime caused by database migrations.

Also it seemed like a nice project to spend more time with Rust.


Note: due to squawk's dependency on libpg_query, squawk only supports Linux and macOS

npm install -g squawk-cli

cargo install squawk

# or install binaries directly via the releases page


❯ squawk example.sql
example.sql:2:1: warning: prefer-text-field

   2 | --
   3 | -- Create model Bar
   4 | --
   5 | CREATE TABLE "core_bar" (
   6 |     "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   7 |     "alpha" varchar(100) NOT NULL
   8 | );

  note: Changing the size of a varchar field requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock.
  help: Use a text field with a check constraint.

example.sql:9:2: warning: require-concurrent-index-creation

   9 |
  10 | CREATE INDEX "field_name_idx" ON "table_name" ("field_name");

  note: Creating an index blocks writes.
  note: Create the index CONCURRENTLY.

example.sql:11:2: warning: disallowed-unique-constraint

  11 |
  12 | ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT field_name_constraint UNIQUE (field_name);

  note: Adding a UNIQUE constraint requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock which blocks reads.
  help: Create an index CONCURRENTLY and create the constraint using the index.

example.sql:13:2: warning: adding-field-with-default

  13 |
  14 | ALTER TABLE "core_recipe" ADD COLUMN "foo" integer DEFAULT 10;

  note: In Postgres versions <11 adding a field with a DEFAULT requires a table rewrite with an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock.
  help: Add the field as nullable, then set a default, backfill, and remove nullabilty.

squawk --help

Find problems in your SQL

    squawk [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [paths]... [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

            List all available rules

    -V, --version
            Prints version information

        --dump-ast <dump-ast>
            Output AST in JSON [possible values: Raw, Parsed]

    -e, --exclude <exclude>...
            Exclude specific warnings

            For example: --exclude=require-concurrent-index-creation,ban-drop-database
        --explain <explain>
            Provide documentation on the given rule

        --reporter <reporter>
            Style of error reporting [possible values: Tty, Gcc, Json]

            Paths to search

    help                Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    upload-to-github    Comment on a PR with Squawk's results


Individual rules can be disabled via the --exclude flag

squawk --exclude=adding-field-with-default,disallowed-unique-constraint example.sql


Ensure all index creations use the CONCURRENTLY option.

This rule ignores indexes added to tables created in the same transaction.

During a normal index creation updates are blocked. CONCURRENTLY avoids the issue of blocking.



Check that all new constraints have NOT VALID.

By default new constraints require a table scan and block writes to the table. Using NOT VALID with a later VALIDATE CONSTRAINT call prevents the table scan and results in the validation step only requiring a SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock.



On Postgres versions less than 11, adding a field with a DEFAULT requires a table rewrite with an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock.



Changing a column type requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the table which blocks reads.

Changing the type of the column may also break other clients reading from the table.



A NOT NULL constraint requires a table scan and the ALTER TABLE requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock.

Usually this is paired with a DEFAULT which has issues on version less than \11. See the adding-field-with-default rule.


Renaming a column may break existing clients.


Renaming a table may break existing clients.


Adding a UNIQUE constraint requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock which blocks reads.

Instead create an index CONCURRENTLY and create the CONSTRAINT USING the index.



Dropping a database may break existing clients.


Changing the size of a varchar field requires an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock.

Using a text field with a CHECK CONSTRAINT makes it easier to change the max length. See the constraint-missing-not-valid rule.


Goal of this rule is to make migrations more robust when they fail part way through.

For instance, you may have a migration with two steps. First, the migration adds a field to a table, then it creates an index concurrently.

Since this second part is concurrent, it can't run in a transaction so the first part of the migration can succeed, and second part can fail meaning the first part won't be rolled back.

Then when the migration is run again, it will fail at adding the field since it already exists.

To appease this rule you can use guards like IF NOT EXISTS or wrap all your statements in a transaction.

Bot Setup

Squawk works as a CLI tool but can also create comments on GitHub Pull Requests using the upload-to-github subcommand.

Here's an example comment created by squawk using the example.sql in the repo:


Create a new app

Squawk needs a corresponding GitHub App so it can talk to GitHub.

  1. Create the app

    name kind why
    Pull Requests Write to comment on PRs

    hit create and copy the App ID under the "About" section

    url should be: https://github.com/settings/apps/$YOUR_APP_NAME

  2. Head down the the bottom of the page under the "Private Keys" section and hit "Generate a private key"

    The key should automatically download after a couple seconds. Hold onto this key, we'll need it later.

    Now we have an App ID and a Private Key, now we need to install the app

  3. Install the app & get the Install ID

    Head to https://github.com/settings/apps/$YOUR_APP_NAME/installations and hit "Install"

    GitHub should have redirected you to the https://github.com/settings/installations/$INSTALL_ID page where $INSTALL_ID is some number.

    Save this ID for later.


    Squawk needs the pull request related values: SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_NAME, SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_OWNER, and SQUAWK_GITHUB_PR_NUMBER.

    Where to find these varies depending how you're running squawk, but for the next step I'm assuming you're running Squawk as a CircleCI job.

  4. Finding the Pull Request variables



    CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST has the content we need

    example: https://github.com/recipeyak/recipeyak/pull/567

    Now we need to split this to get the repo name, repo owner, and pull requeset id.

    With a bit of help from

    echo "https://github.com/recipeyak/recipeyak/pull/567" | awk -F/ '{print $4 " " $5 " " $7}'
    recipeyak recipeyak 567
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_OWNER=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $4}')
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_NAME=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $5}')
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_PR_NUMBER=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $7}')
  5. Conclusion

    Wrapping it all up we should have the following env vars:

    SQUAWK_GITHUB_APP_ID= # fill in with id found in step 5
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_INSTALL_ID= # fill in with id found in step 7
    # downloaded via step 6, your key will have a different name
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat ./cool-bot-name.private-key.pem)
    # can also use the SQUAWK_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 instead ^
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_OWNER=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $4}')
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_REPO_NAME=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $5}')
    SQUAWK_GITHUB_PR_NUMBER=$(echo $CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST | awk -F/ '{print $7}')

    We can pass this into the env before running squawk or we can translate them to the command line flag. What's ever easiest for you.

    An example run will look like the following (assuming the env vars are set):

    squawk upload-to-github example.sql

    which creates a comment like the following:


prior art


cargo install
cargo run

releasing a new version

  1. update the CHANGELOG.md
  2. bump version in all the dependency Cargo.toml as well as the CLI Cargo.toml
  3. create a new release on github - CI will attach the binaries automatically
  4. bump version in package.json and follow the npm steps
  5. publish each crate to cargo in a DAG fashion

how it works

squawk wraps calls to libpg_query-sys in a safe interface and parses the JSON into easier to work with structures. libpg_query-sys in turn uses bindgen to bind to libpg_query, which itself wraps Postgres' SQL parser in a bit of C code that outputs the parsed AST into a JSON string.

Squawk then runs the rule functions over the parsed AST, gathers and pretty prints the rule violations.


~1M SLoC