1 unstable release
0.1.8 | May 31, 2022 |
0.1.7 |
#2154 in Database interfaces
sql reverse
基于数据库表结构自定义模版生成多种编程语言代码的命令行工具,支持 MySQL 和 PostgresSQL。
A command-line tool that generates codes in multiple programming languages based on custom templates of database table structures, supporting MySQL and PostgresSQL.
cargo install sql_reverse
sql_reverse <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
export Export default database field types
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
mysql Mysql OPTIONS
postgres PostgresSQL OPTIONS
sql_reverse mysql/postgres [OPTIONS]
sql_reverse mysql/postgres [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c <custom-field-type> Custom field type, example: -c ./default.json [default: ]
-f <file> Input database config file to read, example: -f ./reverse.yml [default: ./reverse.yml]
-s <suffix> Suffix of the generated file, example: -s rs [default: rs]
-n <template-name> Input template name, example: -n base.tera [default: base.tera]
-p <template-path> Input template path example: -p 'templates/*' [default: templates/*]
Exec,you need to make sure you're in the same directory as templates.
sql_reverse export
sql_reverse mysql -f reverse.yml
sql_reverse postgres -f reverse.yml
Custom Exec
sql_reverse export
sql_reverse mysql -f reverse.yml -p 'templates/*' -s rs -n base.tera -c ./mysql_default.json
sql_reverse postgres -f reverse.yml -p 'templates/*' -s rs -n base.tera -c ./postgres_default.json
port: 3306
username: root
password: ''
database: db_name
schemaname: test # only postgres enable
include_tables: # Include tables, can be ignored.
# - table_name
exclude_tables: # Exclude, tables, can be ignored.
# - table_name
output_dir: ./dir # code output directory
Template Struct:
/// sql 表
#[derive(Serialize, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Table {
/// 表名
pub table_name: String,
/// 结构体名
pub struct_name: String,
/// 字段列表
pub fields: Vec<Field>,
/// 表注释
pub comment: String,
/// 索引
pub index_key: Vec<Vec<String>>,
/// sql 字段
#[derive(Serialize, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Field {
/// 数据库字段名
pub field_name: String,
/// 首字母大写驼峰字段名
pub FieldName: String,
/// 首字母小写驼峰字段名
pub fieldName: String,
/// 数据库字段类型
pub database_field_type: String,
/// 字段类型
pub field_type: String,
/// 注释
pub comment: String,
/// 默认值是否为null, 1: 是 0: 不是
pub is_null: u8,
/// 默认值
pub default: Option<String>
Rust Template:
use serde_derive;
use chrono::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
{% if table.comment -%}
/// {{ table.comment }}
{% endif -%}
{% for index in table.index_key -%}
/// 索引:{{index}}
{% endfor -%}
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct {{ table.struct_name }} {
{%- for v in table.fields %}
{% if v.comment -%}
/// {{ v.comment }} {% if v.database_field_type %} field_type: {{ v.database_field_type }}{% endif %}{% if v.default %} default: {{ v.default }}{% endif %} {% if v.default == '' %} default: ''{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
{% if v.is_null == 1 -%}
pub {{ v.field_name }}: Option<{{ v.field_type }}>,
{%- else -%}
{% if v.field_type == 'NaiveDateTime' -%}
pub {{ v.field_name }}: Option<{{ v.field_type }}>,
{%- else -%}
pub {{ v.field_name }}: {{ v.field_type }},
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
Gen Struct Example:
use serde_derive;
use chrono::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// 用户信息
/// 索引:[article_id]
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Article {
pub article_id: u64,
/// 用户id field_type: varchar(16) default: ''
pub user_id: Option<String>,
/// 用户类型 field_type: tinyint default: 0
pub user_type: i8,
/// 文章名 field_type: varchar(32) default: ''
pub article_title: String,
/// 内容简述 field_type: text
pub article_content: String,
/// 头像 field_type: varchar(128) default: ''
pub article_url: String,
/// 点赞数 field_type: int unsigned default: 0
pub likes: u32,
pub is_deleted: u8,
pub updated_at: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
pub created_at: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
~832K SLoC