1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 20, 2019

#6 in #horizontal

MIT license

128 lines


Sprite simple command line application for generating ron files for Amethyst, because hand writing them is a pain.


Install using Cargo:

cargo install spriteron


Assuming you have a spritesheet called spritesheet.png:

$ spriteron spritesheet.png generate -h 4 -v 4 -d horizontal

-h separates the file in 4 horizontal columns, and -v in 4 vertical rows. -d sets the direction if the output to either vertical or horizontal. Useful if your spritesheets contains animations.

By default the generated ron output will be printed to stdout, but it can easily be redirected using your standard stdout direction commands:

$ spriteron spritesheet.png generate -h 4 -v 4 -d horizontal > spritesheet.ron


~66K SLoC