9 releases

new 0.1.3 Sep 8, 2024
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0.0.9 Sep 4, 2024
0.0.8 Aug 25, 2024

#477 in Database interfaces

Download history 115/week @ 2024-08-05 146/week @ 2024-08-12 269/week @ 2024-08-19 56/week @ 2024-08-26 244/week @ 2024-09-02

719 downloads per month

MIT license


crates.io Documentation


spring-sea-orm = { version = "0.1.1", features = ["postgres"] }
sea-orm = { version = "1.0" }          # Mainly to adapt to the entity code generated by sea-orm-cli

You can replace postgres, mysql, sqlitefeature to select the appropriate database driver.

Configuration items

uri = "postgres://root:123456@localhost:5432/pg_db" # Database address
min_connections = 1        # Minimum number of connections in the connection pool, the default value is 1
max_connections = 10       # Maximum number of connections in the connection pool, the default value is 10
acquire_timeout = 30000    # Connection timeout, in milliseconds, default 30s
idle_timeout = 600000      # Connection idle time, in milliseconds, default 10min
connect_timeout = 1800000  # Maximum connection survival time, in milliseconds, default 30min
enable_logging = true      # Print sql log


After configuring the above configuration items, the plugin will automatically register a DbConn connection pool object. This object is an alias of sea_orm::DbConn.

pub type DbConn = sea_orm::DbConn;

Extract the Component registered by the plugin

The SeaOrmPlugin plugin automatically registers a connection pool component for us. We can use Component to extract this connection pool from AppState. Component is an axum extractor.

use spring_sqlx::{sqlx::{self, Row}, ConnectPool};
use spring_web::get;
use spring_web::extractor::Component;
use spring_web::error::Result;
use anyhow::Context;

async fn get_todo_list(
    Component(db): Component<DbConn>,
    Path(id): Path<i32>
) -> Result<String> {
    let rows = TodoItem::find()
        .context("query todo list failed")?;

Pagination support

spring-sea-orm extends SeaOrm's Select with the PaginationExt feature.

In addition, web pagination parameter parsing is also provided. Just add the with-web function to the dependency.

spring-sea-orm = { version = "<version>", features = ["postgres", "with-web"] }

The configuration is as follows:

# sea-orm-web configuration
one_indexed = false     # 1-based index, closed by default
max_page_size = 2000    # Maximum supported page size, to avoid OOM caused by server attacks, default value 2000
default_page_size = 20  # Default page size, 20

Use as follows:

async fn get_todo_list(
    Component(db): Component<DbConn>,
    Query(query): Query<TodoListQuery>,
    pagination: Pagination,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    let rows = TodoList::find()
        .page(&db, pagination)
        .context("query todo list failed")?;

For the complete code, please refer to sea-orm-example


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