Cargo Features

spo-rhai = { version = "1.17.2", default-features = false, features = ["std", "sync", "indexmap", "decimal", "serde", "unicode-xid-ident", "metadata", "internals", "debugging", "bin-features", "fuzz", "f32_float", "only_i32", "only_i64", "no_float", "no_index", "no_object", "no_time", "no_function", "no_closure", "no_module", "no_custom_syntax", "unchecked", "no_position", "no_optimize", "no_std", "wasm-bindgen", "stdweb", "unstable", "testing-environ", "document-features"] }
default = indexmap, std

Default features: std, uses runtime random numbers for hashing. ahash/runtime-rng trumps ahash/compile-time-rng

Enables runtime-rng of ahash

std default

Standard features: uses compile-time random number for hashing.

Enables std of ahash, num-traits, once_cell, and smartstring


Enable Special Functionalities

Require that all data types implement Send + Sync (for multi-threaded usage).

Affects custom_syntax::FnCustomSyntaxEval, custom_syntax::FnCustomSyntaxParse, debugger::OnDebuggingInit, debugger::OnDebuggerCallback, native::SendSync, native::LockGuard, native::LockGuardMut, native::FnAny, native::FnIterator, native::FnPlugin, native::OnProgressCallback, native::OnPrintCallback, native::OnDebugCallback, native::OnParseTokenCallback, native::OnVarCallback, native::OnDefVarCallback, variant::Variant

indexmap default

Use IndexMap as Map type

Enables indexmap

Affects spo-rhai::Map

decimal bin-features? = rust_decimal

Add support for the Decimal data type (acts as the system floating-point type under no_float).

Affects arithmetic::decimal_functions

serde bin-features? fuzz? metadata?

Enable serialization/deserialization of Rhai data types via serde.

Enables serde, serde of smallvec, smartstring, and thin-vec

Affects spo-rhai::serde

unicode-xid-ident = unicode-xid

Allow Unicode Standard Annex #31 for identifiers.

metadata bin-features? = serde, serde_json

Enable functions metadata (including doc-comments); implies serde.

Enables metadata of spo-rhai_codegen, serde of smartstring

Affects formatting::format_param_type_for_display, api::definitions, script_fn::ScriptFuncDef.comments, script_fn::ScriptFnMetadata.comments, register::RhaiNativeFunc.param_names, register::RhaiNativeFunc.return_type, register::RhaiNativeFunc.return_type_name, module::FuncMetadata.params_info, module::FuncMetadata.return_type, module::FuncMetadata.comments, tokenizer::TokenizerControlBlock.global_comments, tokenizer::is_doc_comment, custom_types::CustomTypeInfo.comments

internals debugging?

Expose internal data structures (e.g. AST nodes).

Affects native::NativeCallContextStore, spo-rhai::Identifier, spo-rhai::StaticVec, spo-rhai::ThinVec, spo-rhai::FnArgsVec

debugging bin-features? = internals

Enable the debugging interface (implies internals).

Affects spo-rhai::debugger

Required by the rhai-dbg binary

bin-features = debugging, decimal, metadata, rustyline, serde

Features and dependencies required by bin tools: decimal, metadata, serde, debugging and rustyline.

fuzz = arbitrary, serde

Enable fuzzing via the arbitrary crate.

Enables rust-fuzz of rust_decimal


System Configuration Features

Use f32 instead of f64 as the system floating-point number type.

Affects spo-rhai::FLOAT


Use i32 instead of i64 for the system integer number type (useful for 32-bit architectures). All other integer types (e.g. u8) are disabled.

Affects spo-rhai::INT


Disable all integer types (e.g. u8) other than i64.


### Disable Language Features

Remove support for floating-point numbers.


Remove support for arrays and indexing.


Remove support for custom types, properties, method-style calls and object maps.

no_time no_std?

Remove support for time-stamps.

no_function = no_closure

Remove support for script-defined functions (implies no_closure).

Affects ast::ScriptFuncDef

no_closure no_function?

Remove support for capturing external variables in anonymous functions (i.e. closures).


Remove support for loading external modules.


Remove support for custom syntax.


### Performance-Related Features

Disable all safety checks.


Do not track position when parsing.


Disable the script optimizer.

no_std = core-error, hashbrown, libm, no-std-compat, no_time

Compiling for no-std

Turn on no-std compilation (nightly only).

Enables libm of num-traits

Affects stmt::StmtBlockContainer, hashing::StraightHashMap


JavaScript Interface for WASM

Use wasm-bindgen as JavaScript interface.

Enables js of getrandom, wasm-bindgen of instant


Use stdweb as JavaScript interface.

Enables js of getrandom, stdweb of instant


### Features used in testing environments only

Compiled with a non-stable compiler (i.e. beta or nightly)


Running under a testing environment.

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

no-std-compat no_std?
libm no_std?
hashbrown no_std?
core-error no_std?
serde_json metadata?
unicode-xid unicode-xid-ident?
rust_decimal decimal? fuzz?
getrandom stdweb? wasm-bindgen?
rustyline bin-features?

Enables rustyline ^13.0.0

Required by the rhai-repl binary

document-features implicit feature

Enables document-features


Extract documentation for the feature flags from comments in Cargo.toml

arbitrary fuzz?