2 releases

0.0.2 May 26, 2024
0.0.1 May 26, 2024

#8 in #source-map

Download history 189/week @ 2024-05-21 56/week @ 2024-05-28

245 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


Latest Version License CI Docs Build

Documentation: https://docs.rs/sora

MSRV: 1.65.0 (3 November, 2022)

License: MIT



This crate provides data structures and utilities for working with source maps in Rust.

Getting Started

use sora::SourceMap;

// Load a source map from a buffer
let sm = SourceMap::from(buf).unwrap();

// Find a mapping at the given position (line 10, column 12)
let found = sm.find_mapping((10, 12)).unwrap();

// Print the found mapping
println!("Found mapping at (10, 12): {found}");
// Expected output: "Found mapping at (10, 12): 10:12 -> 1:6:8"



[BorrowedSourceMap] is a source map containing borrowed or owned strings. It allows for efficient parsing and manipulation of source maps, with several methods provided for creating, accessing, and modifying its contents.


[SourceMap] is a source map that owns all its internal strings, providing a more straightforward and safe API for users who do not need to manage the lifetimes of the strings manually.


[Position] represents a 0-based line and 0-based column in a file.


[Mapping] presents an item of the mappings in source maps.


  • builder: Enables [SourceMapBuilder] and functions like Mappings::new for manual construction of source maps.
  • index-map: Enables support for index maps, as specified in spec.
  • extension: Enables rarely-used source map features as defined in spec, including ignoreList.


~111K SLoC