#primality #prime #primality-test #test #solovay #strassen


A multi-threaded, arbitrary precision implementation of the Solovay-Strassen primality test

9 releases (4 stable)

1.0.3 Mar 1, 2020
1.0.2 Jan 30, 2020
0.1.4 Jan 24, 2020
0.1.3 Dec 12, 2019

#9 in #primality-test

MIT license

89 lines


Learning Rust with some number theory


Quick Start

Contained within this module are two functions:

  • is_witness
  • is_prime

The function is_witness performs a single iteration of the Solovay-Strassen primality test.

On the other hand, is_prime is a routine that performs the Solovay-Strassen primality test a given number of times in parallel, exiting as soon as the iterator encounters a witness for the compositeness of the tested integer.


~44K SLoC