2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 8, 2023
0.1.0 May 21, 2023

#1610 in Math


449 lines

Special Numeral-Analogue Fuel Units

A Rust crate and utility to deal with conversions of SNAFU values from Advent of Code 2022, Day 25 (here). The file AOC-22-25.md contains the full puzzle in case the website is unavailable.

Example conversions from SNAFU:

use snafu_numbers::FromSnafu;
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("1=-0-2"), 1747);
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("20012"), 1257);
assert_eq!(u32::from_snafu("1="), 3);

... and into SNAFU:

use snafu_numbers::IntoSnafu;
assert_eq!(1747_u32.into_snafu(), "1=-0-2");

SNAFU numbers

SNAFU numbers are a power-of-5 centric base-10 system written right to left. The zero-th (i.e., right-most) place represents a multiple of 50 = 0, the first represents a multiple 51 = 5, the second place 52 = 25, the third place 53 = 625, etc.

Five different digits are used. Here is a list alongside their decimal integer representation:

SNAFU digit Name Decimal /
2 two 2
1 one 1
0 zero 0
- minus -1
= double-minus -2

As a result, the individual values in each position n is 2×5n-1, so

Position Base = - 0 1 2
0 50 = 1 -2 1 0 1 2
1 51 = 5 -10 -5 0 5 10
2 52 = 25 -50 -25 0 25 50
3 53 = 125 -250 -125 0 125 250
4 54 = 625 -1250 -625 0 625 1250
5 55 = 3125 -6250 -3125 0 3125 6250


To quote the rules:

Say you have the SNAFU number 2=-01. That's 2 in the 625s place, = (double-minus) in the 125s place, - (minus) in the 25s place, 0 in the 5s place, and 1 in the 1s place. (2 times 625) plus (-2 times 125) plus (-1 times 25) plus (0 times 5) plus (1 times 1). That's 1250 plus -250 plus -25 plus 0 plus 1. 976!"

Example conversion from decimal to SNAFU

Decimal SNAFU
1 1
2 2
3 1=
4 1-
5 10
6 11
7 12
8 2=
9 2-
10 20
15 1=0
20 1-0
2022 1=11-2
12345 1-0---0
314159265 1121-1110-1=0

Example conversion from SNAFU to decimal

SNAFU Decimal
1=-0-2 1747
12111 906
2=0= 198
21 11
2=01 201
111 31
20012 1257
112 32
1=-1= 353
1-12 107
12 7
1= 3
122 37

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