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#196 in Configuration

22 downloads per month


3.5K SLoC

This crate implements the parsing for the SLRConfig format. Basic usage revolves around the creation and use of the ConfigElement type, like so:

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate slr_config;

use slr_config::{to_element, from_element, ConfigElement};
use std::path::Path;

fn main()
// Parse config element from value.
let root = ConfigElement::from_str("key = value").unwrap();
assert_eq!(root.as_table().unwrap()["key"].as_value().unwrap(), "value");

// Create a new table and print it to a string.
let mut root = ConfigElement::new_table();
let val = ConfigElement::new_value("value");
root.insert("key", val);
assert_eq!(root.to_string(), "key = value\n");

// You can use Serde as well.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TestSchema
key: u32,
arr: Vec<u32>,

let mut schema = TestSchema {
key: 0,
arr: vec![],
schema = from_element(&ConfigElement::from_str("key = 5, arr = [1, 2]").unwrap(), None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(schema.key, 5);
assert_eq!(schema.arr.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(schema.arr[0], 1);
assert_eq!(schema.arr[1], 2);

let elem = to_element(&schema).unwrap();
assert_eq!(elem.as_table().unwrap()["key"].as_value().unwrap(), "5");
assert_eq!(elem.as_table().unwrap()["arr"].as_array().unwrap()[0].as_value().unwrap(), "1");


~39K SLoC