#rss #podcast #audiobook

app sloop

Create an RSS feed from audiobook media files and upload to S3

1 stable release

1.0.0 Oct 22, 2019

#5 in #audiobook

MIT license



Command-line tool to simplify importing audiobooks into a podcast app. Given a list of audio files, sloop will generate an RSS feed and upload this feed and the audio files to S3.


  1. Download and install the awscli and run aws configure to setup your environment.

  2. Install sloop:

    $ cargo install sloop
  3. Run sloop feed to generate your feed. Include the --upload option to also upload to S3:

    $ sloop feed --title Candide --out feed.xml --upload --bucket candide-a5e21f --region ap-southeast-2 Chapter_*.mp3    
    Uploading feed.xml
    Uploading Chapter_01.mp3
    Uploading Chapter_02.mp3
    Uploading Chapter_29.mp3
    Uploading Chapter_30.mp3
    Upload complete
    Podcast available at https://candide-a5e21f.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/feed.xml


~474K SLoC