Cargo Features

slint-lsp = { version = "1.10.0", default-features = false, features = ["backend-qt", "backend-winit", "backend-winit-x11", "backend-winit-wayland", "backend-linuxkms", "backend-linuxkms-noseat", "backend-default", "renderer-femtovg", "renderer-skia", "renderer-skia-opengl", "renderer-skia-vulkan", "renderer-software", "backend-gl-all", "backend-gl-wayland", "backend-gl-x11", "renderer-winit-qt", "renderer-winit-femtovg", "renderer-winit-skia", "renderer-winit-skia-opengl", "renderer-winit-skia-vulkan", "renderer-winit-software", "preview", "preview-lense", "preview-api", "preview-engine", "preview-builtin", "preview-external"] }
backend-qt eventloop-qt? renderer-winit-qt? = preview

Enables backend-qt of slint



Slint needs a backend that will act as liaison between Slint and the OS. By default, Slint will use the Qt backend, if Qt is installed, otherwise, it will use Winit with FemtoVG. Both backends are compiled in. If you want to not compile one of these you need to disable the default feature and re-enable one backend. It is also possible to use Slint without backend if you provide the platform abstraction yourself with [platform::set_platform()].

If you enable the Winit backend, you need to also include a renderer. renderer-femtovg is the only stable renderer, the other ones are experimental

It is also possible to select the backend and renderer at runtime when several are enabled, using the SLINT_BACKEND environment variable.

  • SLINT_BACKEND=Qt selects the Qt backend
  • SLINT_BACKEND=winit selects the winit backend
  • SLINT_BACKEND=winit-femtovg selects the winit backend with the FemtoVG renderer
  • SLINT_BACKEND=winit-skia selects the winit backend with the skia renderer
  • SLINT_BACKEND=winit-software selects the winit backend with the software renderer

If the selected backend is not available, the default will be used.

Here are the cargo features controlling the backend:

The Qt backend feature uses Qt for the windowing system integration and rendering. This backend also provides the native style. It requires Qt 5.15 or later to be installed. If Qt is not installed, the backend will not be operational

backend-winit backend-gl-all? = preview

Enables backend-winit of slint


The winit crate is used for the event loop and windowing system integration. It supports Windows, macOS, web browsers, X11 and Wayland. X11 and wayland are only available when compiling for Linux or other Unix-like operating systems. With this feature, both X11 and Wayland are supported. For a smaller build, omit this feature and select one of the other specific backend-winit-XX features.

backend-winit-x11 backend-gl-x11? = preview

Enables backend-winit-x11 of slint


Simliar to backend-winit this enables the winit based event loop but only with support for the X Window System on Unix.

backend-winit-wayland backend-gl-wayland? = preview

Enables backend-winit-wayland of slint


Simliar to backend-winit this enables the winit based event loop but only with support for the Wayland window system on Unix.

backend-linuxkms = preview

Enables backend-linuxkms of slint


KMS with Vulkan or EGL and libinput on Linux are used to render the application in full screen mode, without any windowing system. Requires libseat. If you don't have libseat, select backend-linuxkms-noseat instead. (Experimental)

backend-linuxkms-noseat = preview

Enables backend-linuxkms-noseat of slint


KMS with Vulkan or EGL and libinput on Linux are used to render the application in full screen mode, without any windowing system. (Experimental)

backend-default default = preview

Enables backend-default of slint


Alias to a backend and renderer that depends on the platform.
Will select the Qt backend on linux if present, and the winit otherwise

renderer-femtovg default backend-gl-all? backend-gl-wayland? backend-gl-x11? renderer-winit-femtovg? = preview

Enables renderer-femtovg of slint


Render using the FemtoVG crate.

renderer-skia renderer-winit-skia? = preview

Enables renderer-skia of slint


Render using Skia.

renderer-skia-opengl renderer-winit-skia-opengl? = preview

Enables renderer-skia-opengl of slint


Same as renderer-skia, but Skia will always use OpenGL.

renderer-skia-vulkan renderer-winit-skia-vulkan? = preview

Enables renderer-skia-vulkan of slint


Same as renderer-skia, but Skia will always use Vulkan.

renderer-software default renderer-winit-software? = preview

Enables renderer-software of slint


Render using the software renderer.

backend-gl-all = backend-winit, renderer-femtovg


backend-gl-wayland = backend-winit-wayland, renderer-femtovg
backend-gl-x11 = backend-winit-x11, renderer-femtovg
eventloop-qt renderer-winit-qt = backend-qt
renderer-winit-femtovg = renderer-femtovg
renderer-winit-skia = renderer-skia
renderer-winit-skia-opengl = renderer-skia-opengl
renderer-winit-skia-vulkan = renderer-skia-vulkan
renderer-winit-software = renderer-software
preview default backend-default backend-linuxkms? backend-linuxkms-noseat? backend-qt? backend-winit? backend-winit-wayland? backend-winit-x11? renderer-femtovg renderer-skia? renderer-skia-opengl? renderer-skia-vulkan? renderer-software = preview-builtin, preview-engine, preview-external

Enable support for previewing .slint files


[deprecated] Used to enable the "Show Preview" lenses and action on components.

preview-api = preview-external

[deprecated] Used to enable partial support for external previewers.
Use "preview-external" (and maybe "preview-engine" if you want the LSP binary to provide an implementation of the external preview API when building for WASM)

preview-engine preview preview-builtin?

Build in the actual code to act as a preview for slint files.

Enables i-slint-backend-selector, i-slint-backend-winit, i-slint-core, muda, objc2-foundation, slint, slint-build, and slint-interpreter


for the preview-engine feature

Affects component_catalog::builtin_components, component_catalog::file_local_components, document_cache::document_cache_parts_setup, common::lsp_to_editor, completion::create_import_edit, language::request_state, language::Context.to_show, properties::set_bindings, properties::update_element_properties

preview-builtin preview = preview-engine

Build in the actual code to act as a preview for slint files. Does nothing in WASM!

Affects language::show_preview_command

preview-external preview preview-api?

Support the external preview optionally used by e.g. the VSCode plugin

Affects common::lsp_to_editor, completion::create_import_edit, language::request_state, language::Context.to_show, language::show_preview_command, properties::set_bindings, properties::update_element_properties

default = backend-default, preview, renderer-femtovg, renderer-software

These default features are set whenever slint-lsp is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.