1 unstable release

0.0.0 Mar 29, 2023

#7 in #reserving



The Slice compiler for C#

The Slice compiler for C#, slicec-cs, allows you to compile Slice definitions (in .slice files) into C# code (in .cs files). It provides support for RPCs with the IceRPC framework.

Package | Building from source | Slice documentation

Predefined symbols

slicec-cs implicitly defines the SLICEC_CS preprocessor symbol.


--rpc <RPC_PROVIDER> Generate code for the specified RPC framework [default: icerpc] [possible values: none, icerpc]
-R <REFERENCE> Add a directory or Slice file to the list of references
-D <SYMBOL> Define a preprocessor symbol
-A, --allow <LINT_NAME> Instruct the compiler to allow the specified lint
--dry-run Validate input files without generating code for them
-O, --output-dir <DIRECTORY> Set the output directory for the generated code. Defaults to the current working directory
--diagnostic-format <FORMAT> Specify how the compiler should emit errors and warnings [default: human] [possible values: human, json]
--disable-color Disable ANSI color codes in diagnostic output
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

No runtime deps