#api-key #toolkit #blockchain #ethereum #flexible #transaction #kit

app sleuth-kit

A flexible OSINT toolkit for blockchain investigations

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Aug 30, 2024

#81 in #transactions


345 lines

Sleuth Kit 🔍

A Flexible OSINT Toolkit for Blockchain Investigations.

OverviewFeaturesProject StructureInstallationUsageConfigurationContributingLicense

License: AGPL-3.0 Language: Rust


Sleuth Kit is a flexible and extensible OSINT toolkit designed for blockchain investigations and intelligence gathering. It provides a suite of tools for compiling your own Data Lake of blockchain data and building custom tools for blockchain intelligence.

Current Roadmap

  • Add support for bitcoin
  • Add support for other EVM chains (Base, Arbitrum, Optimism, etc.)
  • Add support for Solana
  • Implement cross-chain timing analysis
  • Expand data tools:
    • Address monitoring
    • Smart contract event logging

[!NOTE] This is the Rust version of the original Python Sleuth Kit.

How It Works

participant User
participant CLI
participant Config
participant API
participant Helpers
participant Database
participant CSV
User->>CLI: Run sleuth command
CLI->>Config: Load configuration
CLI->>Helpers: Setup database schema
Helpers->>Database: Create tables if not exist
alt Query Ethereum Account
User->>CLI: Choose "Query Ethereum Account"
CLI->>User: Prompt for Ethereum address
User->>CLI: Enter Ethereum address
CLI->>API: query_ethereum_account(address)
API->>API: load_sql_query('ethereum_accounts.sql')
API->>API: query_transpose(sql_query, params)
API-->>CLI: Return account data
alt SAVE_AS_CSV is True
CLI->>Helpers: save_to_csv(data, 'ethereum-accounts.csv', fields)
Helpers->>CSV: Write data
alt SAVE_AS_SQLITE is True
CLI->>Helpers: save_to_sqlite(data, 'ethereum_accounts')
Helpers->>Database: Insert or update data
CLI-->>User: Display result message
else Query Ethereum Transactions
User->>CLI: Choose "Query Ethereum Transactions"
CLI->>User: Prompt for Ethereum address
User->>CLI: Enter Ethereum address
CLI->>API: query_ethereum_transactions(address)
API->>API: load_sql_query('ethereum_transactions.sql')
loop Fetch all transactions
API->>API: query_transpose(sql_query, params)
API-->>CLI: Return all transactions
alt SAVE_AS_CSV is True
CLI->>Helpers: save_to_csv(data, 'ethereum-transactions.csv', fields)
Helpers->>CSV: Write transactions
alt SAVE_AS_SQLITE is True
CLI->>Helpers: save_to_sqlite(data, 'ethereum_transactions')
Helpers->>Database: Insert or update transactions
CLI-->>User: Display result message
else Setup
User->>CLI: Choose "Setup"
CLI->>Helpers: setup_database_schema()
Helpers->>Database: Create tables if not exist
CLI->>User: Prompt for Transpose API key
User->>CLI: Enter Transpose API key
CLI->>Config: Save Transpose API key
CLI-->>User: Display setup success message


  • 🔍 Ethereum Account Queries: Retrieve detailed information about Ethereum accounts
  • 💼 Transaction Analysis: Fetch and analyze Ethereum transactions
  • 💾 Flexible Data Storage: Save data in CSV and SQLite formats
  • 🔧 Extensible Framework: Easily add support for more blockchains and data sources
  • 🖥️ Interactive CLI: User-friendly command-line interface for easy operation
  • 🔐 Secure Configuration: Environment-based configuration for API keys and settings

Project Structure

├── assets/
│   └── sleuth-kit-logo.png
├── src/
│   ├── api/
│   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   └── transpose.rs
│   ├── cli/
│   │   └── mod.rs
│   ├── config/
│   │   └── mod.rs
│   ├── helpers/
│   │   ├── mod.rs
│   │   ├── setup_schema.rs
│   │   └── storage.rs
│   ├── sql/
│   │   ├── ethereum_accounts.sql
│   │   └── ethereum_transactions.sql
│   └── main.rs
├── data/
│   ├── csv/
│   └── sqlite/
├── Cargo.toml
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
└── README.md



Ensure you have Rust installed on your system. If not, install it using the following methods:


  1. Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. Install Rust
brew install rust


Download and run the Rust installer from the official website.

Installing Sleuth Kit

Once the sleuth-kit crate is published, you can install it using Cargo:

cargo install sleuth-kit


  1. Run the Sleuth Kit CLI:

  2. Follow the interactive prompts to:

    • Set up the database schema
    • Configure your Transpose API key
    • Query Ethereum account data
    • Query Ethereum transaction data


Ensure that the .env file is set up with the following variables:

  • TRANSPOSE_API_KEY: Your Transpose API key
  • SAVE_AS_CSV: Set to "true" to save data as CSV (default: true)
  • SAVE_AS_SQLITE: Set to "true" to save data in SQLite (default: true)


If you'd like to contribute to the Sleuth Kit project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/sleuth-kit.git
    cd sleuth-kit
  2. Install dependencies:

    cargo build
  3. Set up the environment variables: Create a .env file in the project root and add the necessary variables.

  4. Run the project:

    cargo run
  5. Make your changes and create a pull request with a clear description of the changes and their purpose.


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


~883K SLoC