#html #web-server #web #http #template #server #file-path

app simplestatic

lightweight and minimalistic single-page webserver

3 stable releases

1.0.4 Apr 9, 2021
1.0.0 Apr 8, 2021

#814 in HTTP server


593 lines

Simple Static

Crates.io GitHub Workflow Status GitHub

Simple Static is a simple http web server that serves one simple http file and other possible resources. The reason for Simple Static's existance is to provide a back-end webserver for simple cases such as a maintenance page or a 404 page for cases where the proxy does not serve static sites itself.

Simple Static is able to embed javascript and css files from given paths to the html file and also handles Content-Security-Policy so that any inline styles or scripts are included in the CSP for maximum security.

Simple Static is also capable of serving other static content, but it's purpose is strictly to serve content like images for the main html file.


Install from cargo

Run cargo install simplestatic

And then just run simplestatic. Use --help for help.


Simplestatic can be pulled from ghcr.io/transyhdistys/simplestatic:latest

So running it can be simple as docker run -dp 3333:3333 ghcr.io/transyhdistys/simplestatic:latest

Or for docker-compose

    image: ghcr.io/transyhdistys/simplestatic:latest
      - SSTATIC_PORT: 3333 # See configuring for more
      - 3333:3333

Build manually

Simply install Rust and run cargo run. It should not have other dependencies, and at least Rust 1.48 is new enough.


On my personal computer when testing with wrk, Simple Static is able to serve about 150,000 requests per second, which should be plenty for anything.

100 MB of RAM is probably plenty for all kinds of maintenance websites (unless if you're using big javascript libraries, in which case you may need more).

As for CPU I can't quite tell. A toaster should be able to run this, but with enough traffic it will probably eat all of the CPU you give it.

Configuring Simple Static

Configuration can be done in three different ways.

Environment Variables Command-Line Arguments config.toml Description
SSTATIC_HTML_PATH --html html Path to the single html file.
SSTATIC_JS_PATH --js js Path to the javascript file to embed, or folder containing the javascript files to embed.
SSTATIC_CSS_PATH --css css Path to the css file to embed, or folder containing the css files to embed.
SSTATIC_UNSAFE_INLINE --unsafe-inline unsafe_inline Allow usage of unsafe-inline CSP policy.
SSTATIC_PORT --port port Port to bind to.
SSTATIC_HOST --host host Host address to bind to.
SSTATIC_STATIC_PATH --static-path static_path Path that will serve the static content
SSTATIC_STATIC_CONTENT --static-content static_content Path of the content that will be served
SSTATIC_MIME_TYPES --mime-types mime_types Path to file containing mime types.
SSTATIC_CONFIG_PATH --config-path No option Path to an optional config.toml file.

The order in which these are prioritized from the first priority to last are

  1. Command-Line Arguments
  2. config.toml
  3. Environment Variables

An example toml configuration can be found at config.sample.toml. The default config file is config.toml at working directory and config.sample.toml is configured to use the default configurations.


Simple Static supports a small bit of templating in order to customize the webpage for each request.

  1. At the start of the program it looks for entries of {{ js }} and {{ css }} in the html file. This is where it embeds any external javascript and css files it finds respectively.
  2. Every time when the page is rendered, a few additional templates are filled. Refer to the table below:
What Turns into
{{ Host }} Host -header
{{ User-Agent }} User-Agent -header


Simple Static is licensed under the AGPLv3 license.


~553K SLoC