#key-value #key-value-store #dictionary #string-key #store-key #pair #data-structures


This crate provides a simple dictionary implementation in Rust with various functions to manipulate and interact with the dictionary data structure. The dictionary allows you to store key-value pairs where keys are of type String and values can be of any type T.

5 releases

0.1.4 Aug 25, 2023
0.1.3 Aug 17, 2023
0.1.2 Aug 14, 2023
0.1.1 Aug 14, 2023
0.1.0 Aug 14, 2023

#2565 in Database interfaces

MIT license

198 lines

Dictionary Implementation and Usage Guide


This repository provides a simple dictionary implementation in Rust with various functions to manipulate and interact with the dictionary data structure. The dictionary allows you to store key-value pairs where keys are of type String and values can be of any type T.

Functions and Usage

Include in project

use simple_dic::Dictionary;

new(o:bool) -> Self

This function creates a new instance of the Dictionary struct. The boolean paramater is a new and expiremental feature that adds the possibility to toggle of uniqueness. As it's not fully implemented, I suggest keeping it as true for now.

let mut my_dict = Dictionary::<T>::new(true);

push(&mut self, key: String, value: T) -> Result<(), String>

Use this function to add a new key-value pair to the dictionary. If the key already exists, it returns an error message.

let key = "name".to_string();
let value = "John".to_string();

match my_dict.push(key, value) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Key-value pair added successfully."),
    Err(err) => println!("Error: {}", err),

pop(&mut self)

This function removes the newest (last-added) key-value pair from the dictionary.


search(&self, key: String) -> bool

Use this function to check if a key exists in the dictionary.

if my_dict.search("name".to_string()) {
    println!("Key found!");
} else {
    println!("Key not found.");

len(&self) -> usize

This function returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary.

let num_entries = my_dict.len();
println!("Number of entries in the dictionary: {}", num_entries);

drop(&mut self, key: String) -> bool

This function deletes a key-value pair based on the provided key. It returns true if the key-value pair was found and deleted, otherwise false.

if my_dict.drop("name".to_string()) {
    println!("Key-value pair deleted successfully.");
} else {
    println!("Key-value pair not found.");

contains(&self, value: &T) -> bool

This function checks if a given value exists in the dictionary's values.

if my_dict.contains(&"John".to_string()) {
    println!("Value found in the dictionary.");
} else {
    println!("Value not found.");

###index_of(&self,key: String) -> Result<Vec, String> Searches and returns all indexes of a key

let key = "search_key";
    match obj.index_of(key.to_string()) {
    Ok(indices) => {
        println!("Indices of '{}': {:?}", key, indices);
    Err(error) => {
        println!("Error: {}", error);

overwrite(&mut self, key: String, newvalue: T) -> Result<(), String>

This function overwrites the value associated with a key. If the key is found, the value is updated. If the key is not found, an error is returned. Not update for unique = false yet.

match my_dict.overwrite("name".to_string(), "Jane".to_string()) {
    Ok(()) => println!("Value updated successfully."),
    Err(err) => println!("Error: {}", err),


use simple_dic::Dictionary;

fn main() {
    let mut my_dict = Dictionary::new(true);
    my_dict.push("name".to_string(), "John".to_string()).unwrap();
    my_dict.push("age".to_string(), 25.to_string()).unwrap();

    println!("Dictionary contains 'name': {}", my_dict.search("name".to_string()));
    println!("Dictionary length: {}", my_dict.len());

    println!("Dictionary length after pop: {}", my_dict.len());

    println!("Dictionary length after drop: {}", my_dict.len());

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