#binding #ffi #sys #low-level #sigar

sys sigar-sys

Low level bindings to sigar

3 stable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

1.0.3 Nov 3, 2018
1.0.1 Nov 1, 2018
1.0.0 Oct 31, 2018

#22 in #sys

28 downloads per month
Used in sigar-rs

MIT license

28K SLoC

C 21K SLoC // 0.1% comments Rust 7K SLoC C++ 181 SLoC // 0.1% comments




low level binding to AlexYaruki/sigar, which is a independent fork version of official hyperic/sigar.


Add this to your Cargo.toml

sigar-sys = "1"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate sigar_sys;


  • As a -sys crate, this provides only the binding to sigar.

    The sigar documentation itself is at SourceForge/sigar.

  • The build script for this crate always makes a static linking.

  • This crate has been tested to work on Windows(with msvc), Linux and macOS.

    Other platforms or envs may work, and PRs to support them are welcome.


extern crate sigar_sys;

use sigar_sys as ffi;
use std::slice::from_raw_parts;

fn main() {
    let usage = unsafe { cpuusage().unwrap() };
    println!("cpu usage: {:?}", usage);

    let pids = unsafe { pidlist().unwrap() };
    println!("pids: {:?}", pids);

unsafe fn cpuusage() -> Result<ffi::sigar_cpu_t, String> {
    let mut sigar_ptr: *mut ffi::sigar_t = std::ptr::null_mut();

    let res = ffi::sigar_open(&mut sigar_ptr);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err(ffi::error_string(sigar_ptr, res));

    let mut info: ffi::sigar_cpu_t = Default::default();
    let res = ffi::sigar_cpu_get(sigar_ptr, &mut info);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err(ffi::error_string(sigar_ptr, res));

    let res = ffi::sigar_close(sigar_ptr);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err("failed to close sigar_t".to_string());


unsafe fn pidlist() -> Result<Vec<ffi::sigar_pid_t>, String> {
    let mut sigar_ptr: *mut ffi::sigar_t = std::ptr::null_mut();

    let res = ffi::sigar_open(&mut sigar_ptr);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err(ffi::error_string(sigar_ptr, res));

    let mut raw: ffi::sigar_proc_list_t = Default::default();
    let res = ffi::sigar_proc_list_get(sigar_ptr, &mut raw);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err(ffi::error_string(sigar_ptr, res));

    let infos = from_raw_parts(raw.data, raw.number as usize)

    let res = ffi::sigar_proc_list_destroy(sigar_ptr, &mut raw);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err("failed to destroy sigar_t".to_string());

    let res = ffi::sigar_close(sigar_ptr);
    if res != ffi::SIGAR_CODE_OK {
        return Err("failed to close sigar_t".to_string());


to run the example code on windows, we should link 3 more libs: ws2_32 netapi32, version, maybe in the build scripts
