#serde #byte #format #file-format #compression #deserialize #sbif


A Serde-based implementation of the SBIF file format

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 30, 2023

#2951 in Parser implementations

Custom license

1.5K SLoC

Serde SBIF   Build

Serde SBIF is a crate that serializes data into a compact format inspired by the NBT format from the game Minecraft.


To use the crate add it to your Cargo.toml file along with the latest version of the Serde crate.

serde_sbif = { git = "https://github.com/k2green/serde-sbif/" }

Data can then be serialized into SBIF using the serde_sbif::to_bytes and serde_sbif::to_writer functions. Data can also be deserialized using the serde_sbif::from_slice and serde_sbif::from_reader functions.

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use serde_sbif::{to_bytes, Result, Compression};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Address {
    street: String,
    city: String,

fn serialize() -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
    // Some data structure.
    let address = Address {
        street: "10 Downing Street".to_owned(),
        city: "London".to_owned(),

    // Serialize it to a SBIF byte vec.
    let serialized = serde_sbif::to_bytes(&address, Compression::default())?;

SBIF Format

The Structured Binary Interchange Format (SBIF) is a format intended to store large amounts of structured data in either a compressed or uncompressed state.

An SBIF file consists of a short header of 8-12 bytes that hold the version number and compression format followed by blocks of data marked by an id. The id is a single byte which identifies what the following bytes represent and are laid out as follows:

ID Name Description
0 Null This is a single byte block which represents a variety of "null" like objects in rust including Option::None, () and unit structs.
1 Bool 1 marks a bool and should be followed by a byte that is either 0 for false or any non zero number for true
2 i8 This ID marks the following byte as a signed 8 bit value.
3 i16 This ID marks the following 2 bytes as a signed 16 bit value in big endean byte order.
4 i32 This ID marks the following 4 bytes as a signed 32 bit value in big endean byte order.
5 i64 This ID marks the following 8 bytes as a signed 64 bit value in big endean byte order.
6 ui8 This ID marks the following byte as an unsigned 8 bit value.
7 u16 This ID marks the following 2 bytes as an unsigned 16 bit value in big endean byte order.
8 u32 This ID marks the following 4 bytes as an unsigned 32 bit value in big endean byte order.
9 u64 This ID marks the following 8 bytes as an unsigned 64 bit value in big endean byte order.
10 f32 This ID marks the following 4 bytes as a 32 bit floating point value in big endean byte order.
11 f64 This ID marks the following 8 bytes as a 64 bit floating point in big endean byte order.
12 char This is a Utf8 character represented by the following 1-4 bytes (based on the Utf8 specification)
13 str Strings should be followed by the length of the string in bytes as a u32 in big endean byte order. The length should then be followed by the string.
14 bytes Raw byte sequences are represented in the same way as strings. The ID should be followed by the length of the sequence as a big endean u32 and the sequence of bytes should follow after that.
15 seq Sequences follow a similar pattern. The ID should be followed by a u32 length like in strings however this length is the number of distinct items in the sequence, not the length in bytes. This should be followed by a sequence of nested serialized objects.
16 Tuple Tuples follow the same pattern as sequences. The ID is followed by the number of items and the length is followed by each item serialized in sequence.
17 Unit variant Unit enum variants use a unique ID to make deserialization easier. The ID should be followed by a big endean u32 which represents the specific variant of the enum.
18 Enum variant Enum variants start the same as a unit variant with the id followed by the variant as a u32 however the following data depends on the variant type. See Seq or Map.
19 Tuple struct This structure is similar to a tuple, the ID should be followed by a big endean u32 which represents the number of elements which should be followed by a sequence of serialized items.
20 Map Maps and structs are both represented by the map id. The ID should be followed by the number of key value pairs as a big endean u32. This should then be followed by the key value pairs serialized in sequence.


~54K SLoC