Cargo Features

secp256kfun = { version = "0.10.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "alloc", "libsecp_compat", "serde", "libsecp_compat_0_27", "libsecp_compat_0_28", "bincode", "proptest"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever secp256kfun is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default = alloc

Enables std of optional bincode, digest, optional secp256k1 ^0.27, optional secp256k1 ^0.28, and subtle-ng

alloc std

Enables alloc of optional serde


and alloc of digest, optional bincode, optional secp256k1 ^0.27, and optional secp256k1 ^0.28


allow use of Secp256k1::new and related API that requires an allocator

Affects hex::encode, hex::decode, secp256kfun::poly, mul::lincomb_iter

libsecp_compat = libsecp_compat_0_28

Enables serde, serde of optional bincode, optional secp256k1 ^0.27, and optional secp256k1 ^0.28


Enables secp256k1 ^0.27

libsecp_compat_0_28 libsecp_compat?

Enables secp256k1 ^0.28

Features from optional dependencies

bincode implicit feature
proptest implicit feature

Enables proptest


Hypothesis-like property-based testing and shrinking