#symbol-table #mach-o #macho #parser #stab #otool

bin+lib schnauzer

Library for parsing Mach-O files

25 releases

0.3.5 Sep 13, 2023
0.3.4 Jun 13, 2023
0.2.9 Jun 2, 2023
0.2.8 May 30, 2023
0.1.5 Apr 28, 2023

#390 in Parser implementations

Download history 144/week @ 2024-03-12 1/week @ 2024-03-26 9/week @ 2024-04-02

130 downloads per month
Used in brew-moonshine


5.5K SLoC



schnauzer is both library and tool for parsing mach-o files, printing symbol table, used dynamic libraries, relative paths, relocation entries, e.t.c.. See full list of commands.


Library features

  • Zero copy. Does not loads whole binary into memory. Uses iterators to list potentially large amount of items
  • Endian aware
  • Implements derive macro for automatic field enumeration, that, for example, very convenient for printing arbitary load commands. There even no need to write large match blocks for any type of load command
  • Prints file structure in color for better user experience


cargo install schnauzer


Call to schnauzer should have the next pattern:

schnauzer [CMD] path_to_binary

Where CMD is optional. See Supported commands section

Specify -h or --help with or without specify subcommand to see description and supported arguments of the subcommand.

You also can specify path with -p or --path (But this not required)

Supported commands


# Prints almost all binary info
schnauzer path_to_binary
Fat arch:
 |*cputype: 16777223
 |*cpusubtype: 3
 |*offset: 16384
 |*size: 70080
 |*align: 14
 |*Mach header: 
   |*magic: 0xcffaedfe
   |*cputype: 16777223
   |*cpusubtype: 3
   |*filetype: Exec
   |*ncmds: 17
   |*sizeofcmds: 1544
   |*flags: 0x00200085
   |*reserved: 0x00000000
   |*Load commands: 
   [0] cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize: 72
     |*segname: __PAGEZERO
     |*vmaddr: 0x0000000000000000
     |*vmsize: 0x0000000100000000
     |*fileoff: 0
     |*filesize: 0
     |*maxprot: 0x00000000
     |*initprot: 0x00000000
     |*nsects: 0
     |*flags: 0x00000000


# Prints load commands
schnauzer lc path_to_binary
Arch #0 (Arch: x86_64, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x00200085):
cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize: 72
 segname: __PAGEZERO
 vmaddr: 0x0000000000000000
 vmsize: 0x0000000100000000
 fileoff: 0
 filesize: 0
 maxprot: 0x00000000
 initprot: 0x00000000
 nsects: 0
 flags: 0x00000000
cmd: LC_SEGMENT_64 cmdsize: 552
 segname: __TEXT
 vmaddr: 0x0000000100000000
 vmsize: 0x0000000000004000
 fileoff: 0


# Prints symtab
schnauzer syms path_to_binary
Arch #1 (Arch: x86_64, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x00200085):
[0] Stab(Nopt) radr://5614542
[1] External __mh_execute_header
Section: 1, n_desc: 16, Address: 0x0000000100000000
[2] External __DefaultRuneLocale
n_desc: 256, n_value: 0
[3] External ___error
n_desc: 256, n_value: 0
[4] External ___maskrune
n_desc: 256, n_value: 0
[5] External ___stack_chk_fail
n_desc: 256, n_value: 0
[6] External ___stack_chk_guard


# Prints relative paths
schnauzer rpaths path_to_binary
Arch #0 (Arch: arm64, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x04a18085):
[0] /usr/lib/swift
[1] @loader_path/Frameworks
[2] @loader_path/Frameworks
[3] @executable_path/Frameworks
[4] /usr/lib/swift
[5] @executable_path/Frameworks
[6] @loader_path/Frameworks


# Prints used dynamic libraries
schnauzer dylibs path_to_binary
Arch #1 (Arch: x86_64, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x00200085):
[0] /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (Timestamp: 2, Current version: 1311.0.0, Compatibility version: 1.0.0)

Arch #2 (Arch: arm64e, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x00200085):
[0] /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (Timestamp: 2, Current version: 1311.0.0, Compatibility version: 1.0.0)


# Prints all the segments with sections
schnauzer segs path_to_binary

        schnauzer segs path_to_binary [--segs] [--sects] [--short] [--noidx]

        --segs - Print only segments
        --sects - Print only sections
        --short - Print only values and only identifying fields
        --noidx - Disable printing indices
[1] Segment (segname: __TEXT, vmaddr: 0x0000000100000000, vmsize: 0x0000000000004000, fileoff: 0, filesize: 16384, maxprot: 0x00000005, initprot: 0x00000005, nsects: 6, flags: 0x00000000):
  Section #1 __text Segment __TEXT:
  |*addr: 0x000000010000335c
  |*size: 0x000000000000094f
  |*offset: 13148
  |*align: 2
  |*reloff: 0
  |*nreloc: 0
  |*flags: 0x80000400
  |*reserved1: 0
  |*reserved2: 0
  |*reserved3: 0


# Prints the fat archs
schnauzer fat path_to_binary
[0] Arch: x86_64, Offset: 16384, Size: 70080, Align: 14
[1] Arch: arm64e, Offset: 98304, Size: 53488, Align: 14


# Prints headers
schnauzer headers path_to_binary
[0] Magic: cffaedfe, Arch: x86_64, Capabilities: 0x00, File type: Exec, Commands: 17, Size of commands: 1544, Flags: 0x00200085
[1] Magic: cffaedfe, Arch: arm64e, Capabilities: 0x80, File type: Exec, Commands: 18, Size of commands: 1368, Flags: 0x00200085


# Prints relocation entries
schnauzer rel path_to_binary
__TEXT __text (5 entries)
address  pcrel length extern type scattered symbolnum/value 
000000b0 1     2      1      2    false     10              
000000ac 0     2      1      4    false     2               
000000a8 1     2      1      3    false     2               
0000009c 0     2      1      4    false     1               
00000098 1     2      1      3    false     1               
__DATA __const (1 entries)
address  pcrel length extern type scattered symbolnum/value 
00000000 0     3      1      0    false     4               
__DWARF __debug_info (16 entries)
address  pcrel length extern type scattered symbolnum/value 
000004c2 0     3      0      0    false     1               
000004ba 0     3      0      0    false     1               
00000499 0     3      0      0    false     1               
00000491 0     3      0      0    false     1               
00000477 0     3      0      0    false     1              


# Prints hex dump
schnauzer data path_to_binary -s __TEXT __cstring
Arch #0 (Arch: x86_64, File type: Exec, Flags: 0x00200085):
__TEXT __cstring
0000000100003f2a 0062656c 6e737475 76007374 646f7574 |.belnstuv.stdout|
0000000100003f3a 00757361 67653a20 63617420 5b2d6265 |.usage: cat [-be|
0000000100003f4a 6c6e7374 75765d20 5b66696c 65202e2e |lnstuv] [file ..|
0000000100003f5a 2e5d0a00 2d007374 64696e00 25730072 |.]..-.stdin.%s.r|


schnauzer = "0.3.5"


Simple debug print

use schnauzer::ObjectType;
use schnauzer::Parser;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let mut args = std::env::args();
    let _exec_name = args.next();

    let path = match args.next() {
        Some(s) => s,
        None => {
            eprintln!("Not enough arguments. Provide a valid path to binary");
    let path = Path::new(&path);

    let parser = match Parser::build(path) {
        Ok(b) => b,
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Could not create parser at '{:?}': {e}", path);

    let object = match parser.parse() {
        Ok(o) => o,
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error while parsing: {:#?}", e);


fn handle_object(obj: ObjectType) {
    println!("{:#?}", obj);

Using AutoEnumFields derive (code taken from src/main.rs)

let h = macho.header();
for field in h.all_fields() {
    out_dashed_field(field.name, field.value, level);


You may email me: arsynthdev@gmail.com

GitHub profile


~83K SLoC