Cargo Features

s2n-quic-core = { version = "0.37.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "alloc", "generator", "checked-counters", "branch-tracing", "event-tracing", "probe-tracing", "testing", "unstable-congestion-controller", "usdt"] }
default = alloc, std

These default features are set whenever s2n-quic-core is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default testing? = alloc, once_cell

Affects interest::Debugger

alloc default std = atomic-waker, bytes, crossbeam-utils

Enables alloc of s2n-codec

Affects ack::ranges, tls::Context, tls::Endpoint, tls::Session, datagram::default, havoc::Strategy.hold, s2n-quic-core::buffer, s2n-quic-core::interval_set, number::map, sent_packets::SentPackets, stream::ops, sync::spsc, sync::worker

generator testing? = bolero-generator
checked-counters testing?
branch-tracing = tracing
event-tracing = tracing

Affects generated::tracing

probe-tracing = tracing
testing = checked-counters, futures-test, generator, insta, std

Enables testing of s2n-codec


This feature enables support for third party congestion controller implementations


Enables probe

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

atomic-waker alloc

Affects sync::atomic_waker

bolero-generator generator?
bytes alloc
crossbeam-utils alloc
insta testing?

Enables insta

used for event snapshot testing - needs an internal API so we require a minimum version

tracing branch-tracing? event-tracing? probe-tracing?

Affects timer::Debugger

futures-test testing?

Enables futures-test

For testing Waker interactions

once_cell std