#snake #piston #piston-game-engine #game-engine #game #rust

app rustysnake

A simple snake game written in Rust using the Piston game engine

1 stable release

1.0.0 Jul 16, 2024

#361 in Games

MIT license

378 lines


This is a simple snake game written in rust utilisng the piston game engine.

How to play

  • Use the arrow keys to move the snake
  • Eat the food to grow the snake
  • Don't run into the walls or yourself (or else you die and the game ends)


  • Add a score counter
  • Add a high score counter
  • Add a game over screen
  • Add a pause screen
  • Add a main menu screen
  • Add a settings menu
  • Add a grid option
  • Add a speed option
  • Add a color option
  • Add audio


~168K SLoC