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1.1.0 Dec 1, 2024
1.0.1 Nov 30, 2024
1.0.0 Nov 28, 2024

#336 in Machine learning

Download history 281/week @ 2024-11-25 124/week @ 2024-12-02 10/week @ 2024-12-09

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MIT license

814 lines

SCRFD - Rust Package for Face Detection

SCRFD is a Rust library for face detection, providing both synchronous and asynchronous support. It utilizes ONNX Runtime for high-performance inference and supports bounding box and keypoint detection.


  • Face Detection: Detect bounding boxes and landmarks for faces in images.
  • Asynchronous Support: Optional async functionality for non-blocking operations.
  • Customizable Parameters:
    • Input size
    • Confidence threshold
    • IoU threshold
  • Efficient Processing:
    • Anchor-based detection
    • Optimized caching for anchor centers


Add the library to your Cargo.toml:

rusty_scrfd = { version = "1.0.0", features = ["async"] } # Enable async feature if needed

To enable synchronous mode only, omit the async feature:

rusty_scrfd = "1.0.0"


Synchronous Example

use rusty_scrfd::SCRFD;
use image::open;
use ort::session::SessionBuilder;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Load the ONNX model
    let model_path = "path/to/scrfd_model.onnx";
    let session = SessionBuilder::new().unwrap().with_model_from_file(model_path)?;

    // Initialize SCRFD
    let mut scrfd = SCRFD::new(session, (640, 640), 0.5, 0.4)?;

    // Load an image
    let image = open("path/to/image.jpg")?.into_rgb8();

    // Center cache to optimize anchor generation
    let mut center_cache = HashMap::new();

    // Detect faces
    let (bboxes, keypoints) = scrfd.detect(&image, 5, "max", &mut center_cache)?;

    println!("Bounding boxes: {:?}", bboxes);
    if let Some(kps) = keypoints {
        println!("Keypoints: {:?}", kps);


Asynchronous Example

Enable the async feature in Cargo.toml:

rusty_scrfd = { version = "1.0.0", features = ["async"] }
use rusty_scrfd::SCRFDAsync;
use image::open;
use ort::session::SessionBuilder;
use std::collections::HashMap;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Load the ONNX model
    let model_path = "path/to/scrfd_model.onnx";
    let session = SessionBuilder::new().unwrap().with_model_from_file(model_path)?;

    // Initialize SCRFDAsync
    let scrfd = SCRFDAsync::new((640, 640), 0.5, 0.4, session)?;

    // Load an image
    let image = open("path/to/image.jpg")?.into_rgb8();

    // Center cache to optimize anchor generation
    let mut center_cache = HashMap::new();

    // Detect faces asynchronously
    let (bboxes, keypoints) = scrfd.detect(&image, 5, "max", &mut center_cache).await?;

    println!("Bounding boxes: {:?}", bboxes);
    if let Some(kps) = keypoints {
        println!("Keypoints: {:?}", kps);


API Documentation


1. SCRFD (Synchronous)

  • Constructor:

    pub fn new(
        session: Session,
        input_size: (i32, i32),
        conf_thres: f32,
        iou_thres: f32,
    ) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>>;
    • session: ONNX Runtime session.
    • input_size: Tuple of input width and height.
    • conf_thres: Confidence threshold for face detection.
    • iou_thres: IoU threshold for non-maximum suppression.
  • Methods:

    • detect:
      pub fn detect(
          &mut self,
          image: &RgbImage,
          max_num: usize,
          metric: &str,
          center_cache: &mut HashMap<(i32, i32, i32), Array2<f32>>,
      ) -> Result<(Array2<f32>, Option<Array3<f32>>), Box<dyn Error>>;
      • Detect faces in the input image.
      • Returns: Detected bounding boxes and optional keypoints.

2. SCRFDAsync (Asynchronous)

  • Constructor:

    pub fn new(
        input_size: (i32, i32),
        conf_thres: f32,
        iou_thres: f32,
        session: Session,
    ) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>>;
    • Same parameters as SCRFD.
  • Methods:

    • detect:
      pub async fn detect(
          image: &RgbImage,
          max_num: usize,
          metric: &str,
          center_cache: &mut HashMap<(i32, i32, i32), Array2<f32>>,
      ) -> Result<(Array2<f32>, Option<Array3<f32>>), Box<dyn Error>>;
      • Asynchronous version of detect.

Helper Functions

Available in ScrfdHelpers:

  • generate_anchor_centers: Efficiently generate anchor centers for feature maps.
  • distance2bbox: Convert distances to bounding boxes.
  • distance2kps: Convert distances to keypoints.
  • nms: Perform non-maximum suppression to filter detections.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for improvements.

Running Tests

  • For synchronous features:
    cargo test
  • For asynchronous features:
    cargo test --features async


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



~544K SLoC