#style #bit #terminal-colors #terminal-graphics #ansi #rendering #printing

bin+lib rustcolor

Rust terminal rendering library thats supports 3/4 bit, 8 bit and 24 bit colors

2 unstable releases

0.5.0 May 10, 2023
0.4.1 May 7, 2023
0.4.0 May 7, 2023

#315 in Graphics APIs

25 downloads per month

MIT license

770 lines

Rust Color

Rust Color is a terminal color rendering library, thats supports 3/4 bit colors, 8 bit colors, 24 bit color rendering output, compatible with windows.

ANSI Escape Codes for Terminal Graphics

The ANSI escape code standard, formally adopted as ISO/IEC 6429, defines a series of control sequences. Each control sequence begins with a Control Sequence Introducer (CSI), defined as a scape character followed immediately by a bracket: ESC[. In particular, a CSI followed by a certain number of "parameter bytes" (ASCII 0-9:; <=>?) then the letter m forms a control sequence known as Select Graphic Rendition (SGR). If no parameter bytes are explicitly given, then it is assumed to be 0. SGR parameters can be chained together with a semicolon ; as delimiter.

Some common SGR parameters are shown below.

Parameter Effect
0 reset all SGR effects to their default
1 bold or increased intensity
2 faint or decreased insensity
4 singly underlined
5 slow blink
30-37 foreground color (3/4 bit)
38;5;x foreground color (256 colors, non-standard)
38;2;r;g;b foreground color (RGB, non-standard)
40-47 background color (8 colors)
48;5;x background color (256 colors, non-standard)
48;2;r;g;b background color (RGB, non-standard)
90-97 bright foreground color (non-standard)
100-107 bright background color (non-standard)
  • Below example will print a red underlined text.


  • How to install - Add the rustcolor crate to your Cargo.toml
rustcolor = {git = "https://github.com/jcbritobr/rustcolor"}

How to use

  • Styles - The best way to start with rustcolor is using the predefined styles.
info!("this is the info style");
primary!("this is the primary style");
warn!("this is the warn style");
danger!("this is the danger style");
error!("this is the error style");
underline!("this is the underlined style");
blink!("this is the blink style");


  • Printing 4bit color - If you only need to change foreground and background colors, it's possible change a text using print_c16 function.
fn print_4bit_color() {
    for i in 0..8 {
        let color_data = format!("  {:<4}", i);
        print!("{}", color_data.print_c16(90, i + 40));


    for i in 0..8 {
        let color_data = format!("  {:<4}", i);
        print!("{}", color_data.print_c16(30, i + 100));



  • Printing 8bit color - Its possible to print 8bit colors using print_c256 function.
macro_rules! print_color_pallette {
    ($background:expr, $offset:expr, $op:tt) => {
        for i in (C8_000..C8_006) {
                        color_data_0.print_c256($background, $offset.0 $op i),
fn main() {
    let cold_a = Offset(16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 82, 76, 70, 64, 58, 52);
    let cold_b = Offset(93, 99, 105, 111, 117, 123, 159, 153, 147, 141, 135, 129);
    let warm_a = Offset(160, 166, 172, 178, 184, 190, 226, 220, 214, 208, 202, 196);
    print_color_pallette!(C8_129, cold_a, +);
    print_color_pallette!(C8_129, cold_b, -);
    print_color_pallette!(C8_129, warm_a, +);


  • Custom Styles - The style module makes possible to build custom styles.
fn main() {
    let custom_style = StyleBuilder::new()
    println!("{}", custom_style.render(" a custom style with 0fg and 201bg "));

custom style

  • 24 Bit Color Support - Draw 24 bit color using print_24bit function.
fn main() {
    let step = 12;
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(i, 0, 0)));
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(0, i, 0)));
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(0, 0, i)));
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255-i, 255-0, 255-0)));
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255-0, 255-i, 255-0)));
    for i in (0..=255).step_by(step) {
        print!("{}", " ".print_24bit(RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(255-0, 255-0, 255-i)));

custom style

No runtime deps