#channel #release #artefact


Safely extract installable files from Rust release artefacts

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.3 May 8, 2018
0.1.2 May 8, 2018
0.1.1 May 1, 2018
0.1.0 Apr 19, 2018

#54 in #release


586 lines

rust_release_artefact: Extract and install Rust release artefacts

Repository: https://gitlab.com/Screwtapello/rust_release_artefact

Documentation: https://docs.rs/rust_release_artefact


  • Update ExtractedArtefact::new() to use walkdir to search for artefact marker files.
  • Would it be neater to toss the first path-component of archives, rather than extracting it and having to rummage around to find the artefact metadata?


Safely extract installable files from Rust release artefacts.


Each new release of the Rust toolchain includes a number of components—some required, some optional—that can be combined together. These components are made available as artefacts in a standard format that includes the files to be installed, as well as metadata describing them. Installing a component is therefore more complex than just extracting an archive, since not all files should be placed in the destination.

This library interprets a Rust artefact's metadata, and provides a list of the components it contains, as well as the specific list of installable files in each component.

Once you've downloaded an artefact, use ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz() or ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_xz() to extract it and retrieve the metadata (the place you got the artefact from should tell you which format it's in). If you have previously extracted an artefact, you can re-read the metadata directly using ExtractedArtefact::new().

First Example

 extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;

 use std::error;
 use std::fs;
 use std::io;
 use std::path;

 fn install_from_tar_gz(
     artefact_path: &path::Path,
     stage: &path::Path,
     component_name: &str,
     dest_root: &path::Path,
 ) -> Result<(), Box<error::Error>> {
     // Open the file containing the artefact.
     let handle = fs::File::open(artefact_path)?;

     // Extract it to the given staging path and read the metadata.
     // We're assuming the staging path is already canonicalized, and
     // the artefact is in .tar.gz format.
     let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz(

     // Get the requested component from the artefact.
     let component = extracted_artefact.components
         .ok_or("Could not find component")?;

         "Installing component {} version {} to {:?}",

     // Install the component into the destination.
     // We're also assuming dest_root is already canonicalized.

     // All done!


Extract downloaded artefacts

Once you have downloaded a release artefact, you can extract it into a staging area with the ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz() or ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_xz() functions (depending on the format).

 extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;

 use std::fs;
 use std::io;
 use std::path;

 # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
 let handle = fs::File::open("path/to/artefact.tar.gz")?;

 // Make sure the staging area exists.
 let staging_area = path::Path::new("path/to/staging/area");

 // Canonicalize the staging area path, so Windows can handle long path
 // names.
 let staging_area = staging_area.canonicalize()?;

 let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::from_tar_gz(
 # Ok(())
 # }

Read artefact metadata

An ExtractedArtefact struct represents the artefact's metadata, including the components in this artefact and the complete list of installable files in each component.

 # extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;
 # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
 # let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::new("src")?;

 println!("Version: {:?}", extracted_artefact.version);
 println!("Git commit hash: {:?}", extracted_artefact.git_commit_hash);

 for (name, component) in &extracted_artefact.components {
     println!("Component: {:?} in {:?}", name, component.root);
     for path in &component.files {
         println!("  - {:?}", path);
 # Ok(())
 # }

Install components to a given destination

The Component struct represents an installable component of the artefact, whose files are in the artefact's staging area, ready to be installed to a target location. The handy Component::install_to() method does exactly that.

 # extern crate rust_release_artefact as rra;
 # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
 # let extracted_artefact = rra::ExtractedArtefact::new("src")?;
 let component = extracted_artefact.components.get("my-component")
     .ok_or("no such component?")?;

 // Make sure the destination exists.
 let destination = std::path::Path::new("path/to/install/destination");

 // Canonicalize the staging area path, so Windows can handle long path
 // names.
 let destination = destination.canonicalize()?;

 # Ok(())
 # }


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