rust-bert is used at run time in 14 crates (of which 4 optionally).

Number of dependers rust-bert version Downloads/month
1 0.22.0 550
6 0.21.0 1.2K
3 0.20.0 250
1 0.19.0 92
2 0.17.0 56
1 0.9.0 8
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) rust-bert version
mindmap ^0.22.0
dawnsearch ^0.21.0
deepfrog ^0.9.0
gnlp ^0.20.0
cedar-db ^0.21.0
mac_x ^0.20.0
550 espionox optional ^0.21.0
sbert ^0.21.0
rust_hero ^0.19.0
automated ^0.20.0
2 divvunspell optional ^0.17.0
cephalon optional ^0.21.0
chromadb optional ^0.21