run_script is used at run time in 27 crates (of which 1 optionally). It's used at build time in 4 crates (2 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 8 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers run_script version Downloads/month
9 0.11.0 30K
15 0.10.1 9.6K
3 0.9.0 950
1 0.8.0 360
1 0.7.0 58
6 0.6.4 0
1 0.3.2 550
2 0.2.5 0
1 0.1.22 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) run_script version
50K 10 cargo-make ^0.11
2.7K vigil-server ^0.10
1.1K 1 wang_utils_command ^0.11.0
440 gdep ^0.11.0
130 volo-cli ^0.11
120 lingua-franca ^0.11
120 emplace ^0.10.1
dyn-wall-rs ^0.6.3
descry ~0.10.0
ffizer ^0.11
borrowing_exerci ^0.3.2
interactive-actions ^0.9.0
ecc-rs ^0.10.0
gitree ^0.6
resticular ^0.9.0
rust-mio build ^0.6.3
deb-rs ^0.6
bartime ^0.8.0
rust_motr build ^0.6.3
thinline ^0.1.20
trigger ~0.2
chorus-tempo ^0.2.3
cask-cli ^0.10.0
geeks_git_testing ^0.9.0
vigil-local ^0.10
g2json ^0.10
third-wheel dev ^0.6