#sass #css #web #macro #scss

macro rsass-macros

Sass as a rust function-like macro

4 releases

0.28.10 May 19, 2024
0.28.8 Jan 1, 2024
0.28.0 Jul 9, 2023
0.27.0 Jan 17, 2023

#2268 in Web programming


19K SLoC


Sass reimplemented in rust with nom. The "r" in the name might stand for the Rust programming language, for "re-implemented", or possibly for my name Rasmus.

This is the rsass-macros crate, giving rust projects access to sass-compiled strings in compile-time. To use it, add rsass-macros to your dependencies in a rust project.

cargo add rsass-macros

Crate docs Github build

Sass language and implementation status

The sass language is defined in its reference doc. See the rsass crate or the the rsass monorepo for the implementation status.


Welcome! Please see the rsass monorepo about contributing.


~59K SLoC