Cargo Features

rquest = { version = "0.20.85", default-features = false, features = ["full", "websocket", "cookies", "gzip", "brotli", "zstd", "deflate", "json", "multipart", "hickory-dns", "stream", "socks", "boring-tls"] }
default = boring-tls

The boring-tls feature is set by default whenever rquest is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full = boring-tls, brotli, cookies, deflate, gzip, hickory-dns, json, socks, stream, zstd
websocket = async-tungstenite

Enables compat of tokio-util

Affects client::websocket, rquest::websocket

cookies full? = cookie_crate, cookie_store

Affects rquest::cookie

gzip full? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables gzip of async-compression


brotli full? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables brotli of async-compression

zstd full? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables zstd of async-compression

deflate full? = async-compression, tokio-util

Enables deflate of async-compression

json full? = serde_json
multipart = mime_guess

Affects client::multipart

hickory-dns full? = hickory-resolver
stream full? = tokio-util

Enables fs of tokio

socks full? = tokio-socks
boring-tls default full?

Internal (PRIVATE!) features used to aid testing.
Don't rely on these whatsoever. They may disappear at anytime.

Enables common types used for TLS. Useless on its own.

Enables typed-builder ^0.19

boring-tls extension builder

and linked_hash_set, tokio-rboring, and tower-layer


boring-tls session cache

and antidote, rboring, rboring-sys, brotli, flate2, foreign-types, and libc


Optional deps...


Affects rquest::tls

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

serde_json json?

Enables serde_json

Optional deps...


mime_guess multipart?

Enables mime_guess


Enables cookie


async-compression brotli? deflate? gzip? zstd?
tokio-util brotli? deflate? gzip? stream? websocket? zstd?
tokio-socks socks?

Enables tokio-socks


async-tungstenite websocket?

Enables async-tungstenite ^0.27.0


hickory-resolver hickory-dns?

Enables hickory-resolver
