#modbus #industrial #plc #ics #security #command-line

yanked rodbus-client

A command line program for making Modbus client requests using the Rodbus crate

0.1.1 Jan 8, 2020

#18 in #ics



Rodbus-client is a command line application that uses the Rodbus crate to send Modbus requests and print responses to the console.

> cargo install rodbus-client

Use the -h option to specify the host to connect to and the -i option to specify the Modbus unit ID.

Each request can be sent using the following subcommands:

  • rc: read coils
    • -s: starting address
    • -q: quantity of coils
  • rdi: read discrete inputs
    • -s: starting address
    • -q: quantity of discrete inputs
  • rhr: read holding registers
    • -s: starting address
    • -q: quantity of holding registers
  • rir: read input registers
    • -s: starting address
    • -q: quantity of input registers
  • wsc: write single coil
    • -i: index of the coil
    • -v: value of the coil (true or false)
  • wsr: write single register
    • -i: index of the register
    • -v: value of the register
  • wmc: write multiple coils
    • -s: starting address
    • -v: values of the coils (e.g. 10100011)
  • wmr: write multiple registers
    • -s: starting address
    • -v: values of the registers as a comma delimited list (e.g. 1,4,7)


  • Read coils 10 to 19 on localhost, port 502, unit ID 0x02: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- -h -i 2 rc -s 10 -q 10
  • Read holding registers 10 to 19: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- rhr -s 10 -q 10
  • Write coil 10: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- wsc -i 10 -v true
  • Write multiple coils: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- wmc -s 10 -v 101001
  • Write register 10: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- wsr -i 10 -v 76
  • Write 42 to registers 10, 11 and 12: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- wmr -s 10 -v 42,42,42

It is also possible to send periodic requests with the -p argument. For example, to send a read coils request every 2 seconds, you would do this: cargo run -p rodbus-client -- -p 2000 rc -s 10 -q 10


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