#lorawan #microchip #embedded-hal-driver #documentation #rn2483 #rn2903

no-std rn2xx3

Rust driver for Microchip RN2483 and RN2903 LoRaWAN modules. [WIP]

7 releases

0.2.1 Aug 31, 2021
0.2.0 Jun 23, 2020
0.1.4 Apr 14, 2020
0.1.3 Dec 25, 2019

#1039 in Embedded development

21 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

rn2xx3: Rust Driver for RN2483 / RN2903 LoRaWAN modules

This is a no_std / embedded_hal compatible Rust driver for the RN2483 and the RN2903 LoRaWAN modules. The library works without any dynamic allocations.

Status: The library can join and transmit uplinks, but not all commands are handled yet. For a list of implemented (and yet to be implemented) commands, see #10.

Docs: https://docs.rs/rn2xx3/



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