#menu #dmenu #rofi


A rofi and dmenu inspired menu

5 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.4 Mar 1, 2018
0.1.3 Oct 24, 2017
0.1.2 Oct 24, 2017
0.1.1 Aug 20, 2017
0.1.0 Aug 16, 2017

#791 in GUI

WTFPL license

337 lines


I have used DMenu and Rofi in dmenu mode for a while as my main launchers (with (scripts)[TODO] wrapping them), but I've found that they don't give me enough control about how the output is filtered. This is my attempt at creating my own launcher menu - one that gives me full control about what is displayed.

Adding as a dependency

This is a library so you will need to create a new binary project using Cargo. You can call it something like my_rmenu. Then you will need to add rmenu as a dependency. At the last line of Cargo.toml, add

rmenu = "*"


Examples can be found in the examples folder. You can probably understand how to use the library even without being a Rust guru if you read the documentation.




~323K SLoC