#shell #reverse #ip-address #terminal #command-line #generate #numbers

app revshell

Simple tool to generate reverse shells in the terminal

1 stable release

1.0.0 Oct 5, 2023

#24 in #reverse

MIT license

134 lines

RevShell v1.0.0

Simple tool to generate reverse shells in the terminal. Supports command line flags for IP address, port number, and shell type.


Building From Source

This tool is written in Rust, and you will need to install the Rust language/compiler/toolkit if you don't already have it. Full details of installation and set up can be found on the Rust language website. Once installed you can run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/caio-ishikawa/revshell.git && cd revshell && make install 


To uninstall RevShell, you can navigate to the cloned repository (or clone it if yo have deleted it), and run:

make uninstall

Getting Started

Usage: revshell [OPTIONS]

  -s, --shell <SHELL>     Represents the shell (e.g. bash_-i, python3, etc.)
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>   Represents the name of the output file. If this flag is not set, the script will be printed to stdout
  -p, --port <PORT_NUM>   Port number
  -i, --ip <IP_ADDRESS>   IP address
      --supported-shells  Displays all supported shells
  -h, --help              Print help
  -V, --version           Print version


revshell -s bash_-i -i -p 9000 -o shell.sh # this will create a file called shell.sh in the current directory.


~42K SLoC