1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 30, 2024

#1037 in Encoding

MIT license



Regashii is a Rust crate that lets you (de)serialize Windows Regedit *.reg files.


  • This crate aims to be as tolerant as Regedit itself. Regedit will generally ignore lines that it can't handle and even ignore garbage in some positions (e.g., after a key name). When you parse a *.reg file with this crate, the output should include the keys/values that Regedit would actually import.

  • On the other hand, if Regedit would ignore some text, then this crate won't include it in the parsed output. This crate does not preserve formatting or comments.

  • This crate can (de)serialize from string data, or it can read/write the files for you. Regedit uses UTF-8 or UTF-16 depending on the export format, which this crate automatically handles accordingly.

  • This crate attempts to handle various edge cases in a way compatible with Regedit. This includes:

    • Preserving invalid values that Regedit is willing to import (e.g., a hex(4) dword value with the wrong number of bytes)
    • Serializing sz strings values as hex(1) bytes if they contain illegal characters
    • Handling strings which may or may not be null-terminated

    If you find an edge case that's handled poorly, please report it.



use regashii::{Key, Registry, Value};

let registry = Registry::deserialize_file("sample.reg").unwrap();
for (key_name, key) in registry.keys() {
    match key {
        Key::Delete => {
            // On import, Regedit would delete this key
        Key::Add(values) => {
            // On import, Regedit would add this key and its values
            for (value_name, value) in values {
                match value {
                    Value::Delete => { /* This value would be deleted */ },
                    Value::Sz(string) => { /* This value would be added */ }
                    _ => { /* and so on */},
        Key::Replace(values) => {
            // On import, Regedit would delete and re-add this key and its values
            for (value_name, value) in values {
                // ...


use regashii::{Format, Key, Registry, Value, ValueName};

let registry = Registry::new(Format::Regedit5)
            .with(ValueName::Default, Value::Sz("some string".to_string()))
            .with("this is a dword", Value::Dword(255)),



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