6 releases
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#830 in Rust patterns
380 downloads per month
Used in 10 crates
(via kind-report)
69 lines
Provides a refl
encoding which you can use to provide a proof
witness that one type is equivalent (identical) to another type.
You can use this to encode a subset of what GADTs allow you to in Haskell.
This is encoded as:
use std::mem;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct Id<S: ?Sized, T: ?Sized>(PhantomData<(*mut S, *mut T)>);
impl<T: ?Sized> Id<T, T> { pub const REFL: Self = Id(PhantomData); }
pub fn refl<T: ?Sized>() -> Id<T, T> { Id::REFL }
impl<S: ?Sized, T: ?Sized> Id<S, T> {
/// Casts a value of type `S` to `T`.
/// This is safe because the `Id` type is always guaranteed to
/// only be inhabited by `Id<T, T>` types by construction.
pub fn cast(self, value: S) -> T where S: Sized, T: Sized {
unsafe {
// Transmute the value;
// This is safe since we know by construction that
// S == T (including lifetime invariance) always holds.
let cast_value = mem::transmute_copy(&value);
// Forget the value;
// otherwise the destructor of S would be run.
// ..
In Haskell, the Id<A, B>
type corresponds to:
data a :~: b where
Refl :: a :~: a
However, note that you must do the casting manually with refl.cast(val)
Rust will not know that S == T
by just pattern matching on Id<S, T>
(which you can't do).
Please note that Rust has no concept of higher kinded types (HKTs) and so
we can not provide the general transformation F<S> -> F<T>
given that
S == T
. With the introduction of generic associated types (GATs), it
may be possible to introduce more transformations.
Example - A GADT-encoded expression type
extern crate refl;
use refl::*;
trait Ty { type Repr: Copy + ::std::fmt::Debug; }
struct Int;
impl Ty for Int { type Repr = usize; }
struct Bool;
impl Ty for Bool { type Repr = bool; }
enum Expr<T: Ty> {
Add(Id<usize, T::Repr>, Box<Expr<Int>>, Box<Expr<Int>>),
If(Box<Expr<Bool>>, Box<Expr<T>>, Box<Expr<T>>),
fn eval<T: Ty>(expr: &Expr<T>) -> T::Repr {
match *expr {
Expr::Lit(ref val) =>
Expr::Add(ref refl, ref l, ref r) =>
refl.cast(eval(&*l) + eval(&*r)),
Expr::If(ref c, ref i, ref e) =>
if eval(&*c) { eval(&*i) } else { eval(&*e) },
fn main() {
let expr: Expr<Int> =
assert_eq!(eval(&expr), 5);
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