3 unstable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.1 Jun 23, 2018
0.2.0 Jun 22, 2018
0.1.0 Jun 22, 2018

#287 in #binding

Used in raqm

MIT license


libraqm Rust FFI Bindings

Installing libraqm

In order to generate bindings, raqm-sys needs the libraqm to be intalled on a developer's system.

Building from sources

Clone the RAQM repo and checkout the 0.5.0 version.

git clone git@github.com:HOST-Oman/libraqm.git
cd td
git checkout v0.5.0

Then proceed with the install instructions in the libraqm repo README.md.

Install from repository

Use your distribution package manager to download and install the libraqm

Arch Linux
#: pacman -S libraqm

Generate Bindings

After installing libraqm, just add raqm-sys to your crate's dependencies

raqm-sys = "0.3"

And let the Cargo do it's magic!

cargo build


~174K SLoC