Cargo Features

rapier3d-f64 = { version = "0.23.1", default-features = false, features = ["dim3", "f64", "parallel", "simd-stable", "simd-nightly", "simd-is-enabled", "serde-serialize", "enhanced-determinism", "debug-render", "profiler", "debug-disable-legitimate-fe-exceptions", "dev-remove-slow-accessors"] }
default = dim3, f64

These default features are set whenever rapier3d-f64 is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

dim3 default

Affects joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintHelper.basis2, joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintHelper.ang_basis, geometry::Cylinder, geometry::Cone, rapier3d-f64::math.MAX_MANIFOLD_POINTS, rapier3d-f64::math.Jacobian, rapier3d-f64::math.JacobianView, rapier3d-f64::math.JacobianViewMut, rapier3d-f64::math.TangentImpulse, rapier3d-f64::math.SPATIAL_DIM, rapier3d-f64::math.ANG_DIM, outlines::instances

f64 default

Affects sap_utils::RegionKey


Enables rayon

simd-stable = simd-is-enabled

Enables simd-stable of parry3d-f64, wide of simba

simd-nightly = simd-is-enabled

Enables simd-nightly of parry3d-f64, portable_simd of simba

simd-is-enabled simd-nightly? simd-stable?

Do not enable this feature directly. It is automatically enabled with the "simd-stable" or "simd-nightly" feature.

Enables vec_map

Affects joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintBuilderSimd, joint_constraint_builder::JointOneBodyConstraintBuilderSimd


Enables serde, serde of bit-vec ^0.7, serde-serialize of nalgebra and parry3d-f64

Affects utils::serde


Enables enhanced-determinism of parry3d-f64, libm_force of simba


Enables the internal profiler.

Enables web-time


Feature used for debugging only.


Feature used for development and debugging only.
Do not enable this unless you are working on the engine internals.