#pyo3 #attributes #class #methods #macro #special #python


Derive macro of Python special methods and a class attributes for PyO3

1 unstable release

0.7.0 Jun 29, 2024

#1362 in Rust patterns


647 lines


pyderive provides derive macros for Python spacial methods and a class attributes for PyO3.

// Enable `multiple-pymethods` feature of PyO3
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyderive::*;

// Place #[derive(PyNew, ...)] before #[pyclass]
#[derive(PyNew, PyMatchArgs, PyRepr, PyEq, PyHash)]
#[derive(PartialEq, Hash)]
struct MyClass {
    string: String,
    integer: i64,
    option: Option<String>
from rust_module import MyClass

# Derives __new__()
m = MyClass("a", 1, None)

# Derives __match_args__ (supports Pattern Matching by positional arguments)
match m:
    case MyClass(a, b, c):
        assert a == "a"
        assert b == 1
        assert c is None
    case _:
        raise AssertionError

# Derives __repr__()
assert str(m) == "MyClass(string='a', integer=1, option=None)"
assert repr(m) == "MyClass(string='a', integer=1, option=None)"

# Derives __eq__() that depends on PartialEq/Eq trait
assert m == MyClass("a", 1, None)

# Derives __hash__() that depends on Hash trait
assert hash(m) == 3289857268557676066

This provides deriving following special methods and attributes;

Derive Macro Python Method/Attribute
PyNew __new__()
PyMatchArgs __match_args__
PyRepr __repr__()
PyStr __str__()
PyEq __eq__() and __ne__()
PyOrd __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__() and __ge__()
PyRichCmp ==, !=, >, >=, < and <=
PyHash __hash__()
PyIter __iter__()
PyReversed __reversed__()
PyLen __len__()
PyDataclassFields __dataclass_fields__
PyNumeric Numeric op methods (__add__() etc.)
PyBitwise Bitwise op methods (__and__() etc.)

The field attributes #[pyderive(..)] is used to customize the implementation, like dataclasses.field() of Python.

Module pyderive::ops and pyderive::convert provides derive macros that implement individual method that enumerating numeric type (__add__() etc.) and called by builtin functions (__int__() etc.).

In addition, this provides a helper derive macro:

Derive Macro Impl
ToPyObject ToPyObject trait by IntoPy<PyObject> trait for pyclass

It requires to enable multiple-pymethods feature of PyO3 because this may produce multiple #[pymethods].


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