#content #command-line-tool #article #podcast #exercise #cache #pybites

app pybites-search

A command-line search tool for Pybites content

6 releases (breaking)

0.6.0 Jul 3, 2024
0.5.0 Jun 10, 2024
0.4.0 Jun 6, 2024
0.3.0 Jun 6, 2024
0.1.0 Jun 5, 2024

#143 in Caching

MIT license

155 lines

Pybites Search

This is a simple command line tool to search through all Pybites content: articles, bite exercises, tips, podcasts and YouTube videos.


cargo install pybites-search


$ psearch --version
psearch 0.6.0

$ psearch --help
A command-line search tool for Pybites content

Usage: psearch [OPTIONS] [SEARCH_TERMS]...


  -c, --content-type <CONTENT_TYPE>
  -t, --title-only
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version

$ psearch rust
... quite a lot of output ...

$ psearch rust -c v (or -c video)
... only videos ...

$ psearch rust -c a (or -c article)
... only articles ...

$ psearch dataclass -c t
... only dataclass tips ...

$ psearch counter -c b -t
... only bite exercises with title matching counter ...

$ psearch transpose data
... strings this together into a regex matching "[bite] Transpose a data structure" for example ...


The first call is typically a bit slower, because it downloads/ caches the data into a local file (~/.pybites-search-cache.json). From there on, it will use the cache and be really fast.

The cache duration is 24 hours, after which it will download the data again.


~362K SLoC