Cargo Features

prqlc = { version = "0.11.3", default-features = false, features = ["cli", "test-dbs", "test-dbs-external"] }
default = cli

The cli feature is set by default whenever prqlc is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

cli default = atty, clap, clap_complete, clap_complete_command, clio, color-eyre, colorchoice-clap, env_logger, minijinja, notify, walkdir
test-dbs = duckdb, glob, rusqlite, tokio

Technically tokio could be limited to external tests, but its types are in signatures which would require lots of conditional compilation.

test-dbs-external = duckdb, glob, mysql, pg_bigdecimal, postgres, rusqlite, tiberius, tokio, tokio-util

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

atty not wasm cli
clap not wasm cli
clap_complete not wasm cli
clap_complete_command not wasm cli
clio not wasm cli
color-eyre not wasm cli
colorchoice-clap not wasm cli
env_logger not wasm cli

Enables env_logger ^0.10.2

minijinja not wasm cli

Enables minijinja =0.31.0

mysql not wasm test-dbs-external?

Enables mysql ^24

notify not wasm cli
pg_bigdecimal not wasm test-dbs-external?
postgres not wasm test-dbs-external?
tiberius not wasm test-dbs-external?
tokio-util not wasm test-dbs-external?
walkdir not wasm cli
duckdb not wasm test-dbs? test-dbs-external?

Enables duckdb ^0.9.2

glob not wasm test-dbs? test-dbs-external?
rusqlite not wasm test-dbs? test-dbs-external?

Enables rusqlite ^0.30.0

tokio not wasm test-dbs? test-dbs-external?