#steam #rating #compatibility #check #checking #tool #proton-db

app protondb-check

CLI tool for checking ProtonDB rating of your Steam games

1 unstable release

0.3.2 Mar 30, 2024
0.2.2 Mar 29, 2024
0.1.2 Mar 29, 2024
0.1.1 Mar 29, 2024
0.1.0 Mar 29, 2024

#139 in Games

MIT license

165 lines

ProtonDB logo

ProtonDB Checker.

protondb-check is a simple CLI tool which lets you check compatibility of your Steam games with Proton.

protondb-check is currently in active development stage, there might be bugs or other problems.

Table Of Contents


protondb-check relies on data provided by Steam on products you own and later on lets you choose the game you want to check utilizing ProtonDB API.

Available commands

While -p or -a are both listed as not required, at least one should be provided.

Command Description Args Required Example
protondb-check Choose one game from all owned -p --profile-id No protondb-check -p 76561198354374976
protondb-check Check particular app even if not owned in Steam -a --app-id No protondb-check -a 271590


Windows / Linux

You can install protondb-check via

cargo install protondb-check

or using prebuilt binaries on the Releases page.


Only cargo install protondb-check available for MacOS.

Compiling from source


  • cargo
  • rustc
  • openssl
  • pkg-config / pkgconf

git clone https://github.com/gpskwlkr/protondb-check && cd protondb-check

cargo build --release

cd target/release && ./protondb-check

To do

  • Tests coverage
  • Refactor code to be more safe
  • Refactor code to work with clap for better args
  • Receive single app-id through args
  • Receive single game name through args
  • Better way to handle filtering out DLCs
  • More to come...

Known issues

  • DLC filtering is kinda bad, right now, if you have 0 hours on record in any steam product, it won't be included in protondb-check list, since Steam doesn't count hours on DLC's, soundtracks, etc.

If anything else occurs, feel free to submit to issues page, otherwise, you can join Discord server.


~287K SLoC