Cargo Features

proof-of-sql = { version = "0.86.2", default-features = false, features = ["std", "utils", "arrow", "blitzar", "hyperkzg_proof", "perf", "cpu-perf", "rayon", "bench", "test"] }
default = arrow, perf

These default features are set whenever proof-of-sql is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std arrow bench? blitzar? hyperkzg_proof? rayon? test?

Enables sysinfo ^0.33 and std of ark-serialize and snafu


Implement the std::error::Error trait.

Affects public_setup::deserialize_flat_compressed_hyperkzg_public_setup_from_reader

Required by commitment-utility and generate-parameters binaries


Enables clap, indicatif, rand_chacha ^0.3.1, sha2, and tempfile

Required by commitment-utility and generate-parameters binaries

arrow default = std

Enables arrow ^51.0.0

Affects database::arrow_schema_utility, base::arrow

blitzar bench? hyperkzg_proof? perf = std

Enables blitzar and merlin ^2

Affects inner_product::inner_product_proof

Required by commitment-utility and generate-parameters binaries

hyperkzg_proof bench? = blitzar, std

Enables ff, halo2curves, and nova-snark

perf default = blitzar, cpu-perf
cpu-perf perf = rayon

Enables parallel of ark-ec, asm of ark-ff, parallel of ark-poly

rayon cpu-perf? = std

Enables rayon

bench = blitzar, hyperkzg_proof, opentelemetry, opentelemetry-jaeger, std, tracing-opentelemetry, tracing-subscriber

Enables clap and rand ^0.8

Required by the jaeger_benches binary

test = std

Enables rand ^0.8

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

opentelemetry bench?

Enables opentelemetry ^0.23.0

opentelemetry-jaeger bench?

Enables opentelemetry-jaeger ^0.20.0

tracing-opentelemetry bench?

Enables tracing-opentelemetry ^0.22.0

tracing-subscriber bench?