#yaml #convert-json #conversion #json #format-conversion #convert #property-file

bin+lib procon

Procon (Pro)perty (Con)verter A program to convert between different property formats

9 releases

0.2.6 Jan 23, 2023
0.2.5 Jan 22, 2023
0.1.1 Jan 8, 2023

#17 in #format-conversion

28 downloads per month



Why does this crate exists?

At work, I was looking for a tool to convert a java property file into a yaml formatted property file.

  • since I didn't find any good cli tool for the job I wrote my own tool
  • I was also interested in this new cool hip programming language called rust.

That's being said I am a noob when it comes to rust development. So please be nice 😁

Current state

Rust project pipeline


  • I already have unit and integration tests but bugs can still occur, so all in testing phase
  • If you find any bugs please let me know on my GitHub project
    • please also leave the file content you wanted to convert in the bug report, so I can reproduce the bug

Supported conversions

  • Conversion from property file to yaml ✔️
  • Conversion from property file to json ✔️
  • Conversion from yaml to property file ✔️
  • Conversion from yaml to json ✔️
  • Conversion from json to yaml ✔️
  • Conversion from json to property file ✔️

How to use

  • convert test.properties file to json
procon json test.properties
  • convert stdout as input for procon
  • the -j flag defines the property format of stdin bytes as json, -y yaml, -p property
cat test.json | procon -j yaml -

What's coming next

  • Bug fixes if there are any
  • internal refactorings
  • add toml property format support
  • interactive mode with editor functionality



  • add GitHub pipeline badge



  • ability to parse yaml now
  • restructured code base to rust conventions
  • added integration test

You want to help

  • If you want to help in the development feel free
  • If you are a pro rust developer, and you have some tips appreciate it


~207K SLoC