20 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.7.1 Dec 6, 2017
0.6.4 Sep 27, 2017
0.6.2 Apr 24, 2017
0.6.1 Mar 10, 2017
0.2.0 Dec 31, 2016

#14 in #threadpool

MIT license

719 lines

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A lite threadpool library written for Rust.


On Cargo.toml:

 poolite = "0.7.1"



  • Run cargo doc --open after modified the toml file.

Base usage

extern crate poolite;
use poolite::Pool;

fn main() {
    let pool = Pool::new().unwrap();
    for i in 0..38 {
        pool.push(move || test(i));

    pool.join(); //wait for the pool

fn test(msg: i32) {
    println!("key: {}\tvalue: {}", msg, fib(msg));

fn fib(msg: i32) -> i32 {
    match msg {
        0...2 => 1,
        x => fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2),

Scoped Task

extern crate poolite;
use poolite::Pool;

fn main() {
    let pool = Pool::new().unwrap();
    let mut array = (0..100usize).into_iter().map(|i| (i, 0)).collect::<Vec<_>>();

    // scoped method will waiting scoped's task running finish.
    pool.scoped(|scope| for i in array.iter_mut() {
        // have to move
        scope.push(move|| i.1 = i.0*i.0);

    for (i, j) in array {
        println!("key: {}\tvalue: {}", i, j);

More Examples..


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