1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 29, 2024

#2340 in Magic Beans

Download history 137/week @ 2024-03-28 8/week @ 2024-04-04

145 downloads per month


14K SLoC

SRI Pool

SRI Pool is designed to communicate with Downstream role (most typically a Translator Proxy or a Mining Proxy) running SV2 protocol to exploit features introduced by its sub-protocols.

The most typical high level configuration is:

<--- Most Downstream ----------------------------------------- Most Upstream --->

+---------------------------------------------------+  +------------------------+
|                     Mining Farm                   |  |      Remote Pool       |
|                                                   |  |                        |
|  +-------------------+     +------------------+   |  |   +-----------------+  |
|  | SV1 Mining Device | <-> | Translator Proxy | <------> | SV2 Pool Server |  |
|  +-------------------+     +------------------+   |  |   +-----------------+  |
|                                                   |  |                        |
+---------------------------------------------------+  +------------------------+


Configuration File

The pool-config-example.toml is a configuration example which can be copy/paste into /conf directory by the party that is running the SV2 Pool (most typically the pool service provider) to address the most preferred customization.

The configuration file contains the following information:

  1. The SRI Pool information which includes the SRI Pool authority public key (authority_pubkey), the SRI Pool authority secret key (authority_secret_key), along with its certificate validity (cert_validity_sec). In addition to this, it contains the address which it will use to listen to new connection from downstream roles (listen_address) and the list of uncompressed pubkeys for coinbase payout (coinbase_outputs).
  2. The SRI Pool Job Negatiator information which includes the Template Provider address (tp_address) and the address it uses to listen new request from the downstream JDs (jd_address).
  3. Optionally, you may want to verify that your TP connection is authentic. You may get tp_authority_public_key from the logs of your TP, for example:
# 2024-02-13T14:59:24Z Template Provider authority key: EguTM8URcZDQVeEBsM4B5vg9weqEUnufA8pm85fG4bZd


  1. Copy the pool-config-example.toml into conf/ directory.

  2. Edit it with custom desired configuration and rename it pool-config.toml

    If you want to mine spendable bitcoin on regtest, you can do it with bitcoin-cli:

    1. Get a legacy Bitcoin address:
    bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet="<PUT YOUR WALLET NAME HERE>" getnewaddress "test" "legacy"
    1. Retrieve its corresponding public key:
    bitcoin-cli -regtest getaddressinfo <PUT THE ADDRESS GENERATED HERE>
    1. Copy the pubkey showed in the output
    2. Paste it in the coinbase_outputs of pool-config.toml, after deleting the one which is already present
    3. Mine a block
    4. Generate 100 blocks
    bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 100 bcrt1qc5xss0cma0zldxfzzdpjxsayut7yy86e2lr6km

    Now the mined bitcoin are spendable!

  3. Run the Pool:

    cd roles/v2/pool
    cargo run -p pool_sv2 -- -c conf/pool-config.toml


~248K SLoC