4 releases
0.2.2 | May 2, 2023 |
0.2.1 | Jan 1, 2022 |
0.2.0 | Nov 15, 2020 |
0.1.0 | Sep 6, 2020 |
#1045 in Parser implementations
26 downloads per month
This is a Rust library for manipulating PMW1 executables. PMW1 is the compressible EXE format used by the PMODE/W DOS Extender.
This library allows analysing and (de-)compressing the individual components of a PMW1 EXE, mainly objects and relocation blocks.
Example program
The program below takes the filename of a full PMW1 EXE file (including the DOS stub), decompresses and recompresses it. While doing so, it dumps the decompressed version to a file, dumps a bunch of data on the EXE's make-up to stdout, and also dumps the recompressed version to a file.
Note that both file dumps include the same DOS stub as the original EXE, which means that only one of them will actually run. This is because compression support is a compile-time switch in PMODE/W itself, and so a stub compiled for a compressed EXE will not be able to run an uncompressed one, or vice versa.
extern crate pmw1;
use std::env::args;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
use pmw1::exe::Pmw1Exe;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Assume the filename of interest is the LAST argument on the command line.
let exe_name: String = args().next_back().unwrap();
// Load the whole EXE into memory...
let binary = {
println!("Opening {}...", exe_name);
let mut file = File::open(&exe_name)?;
let mut buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(0x100000);
file.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
println!("{} is {} bytes.", exe_name, binary.len());
"{} is not an MZ executable!", exe_name);
assert!(binary.len() >= 0x1c,
"{} doesn't appear to contain a complete MZ header!",exe_name);
let mz_header = &binary[0x2..0x1c];
let mz_header: Vec<u16> = (0..mz_header.len())
.map(|i| u16::from_le_bytes([mz_header[i], mz_header[i+1]]))
// Print out some relevant info.
println!("It begins with an MZ executable, of {} half-KiB blocks.",
let total_block_size = mz_header[1] << 9; // Shift left to multiply by 512
let actual_mz_size =
if mz_header[0] == 0 {
println!("Last block is fully used.");
} else {
println!("{} bytes used in last block.", mz_header[0]);
total_block_size - 512 + mz_header[0]
} as usize;
println!("Total MZ executable size is {} bytes.", actual_mz_size);
assert!(binary.len() > actual_mz_size, "This appears to be a pure MZ executable!");
// A slice containing just the PMW1 part.
let pmw1_exe = Pmw1Exe::from_bytes(&binary[actual_mz_size..])?;
// Is it all working??
let pmw1_exe = pmw1_exe.decompress()?;
let mut outfile = File::create(&format!("{}.DECOMP",exe_name))?;
// Write the DOS stub back out
// And the actual PMW1 exe!
println!("{:#?}", pmw1_exe);
// Try going back the other way...
let pmw1_exe = pmw1_exe.compress()?;
let mut outfile = File::create(&format!("{}.RECOMP",exe_name))?;
// Write the DOS stub back out
// And the actual PMW1 exe!