Cargo Features

pleezer = { version = "0.12.2", default-features = false, features = ["binary", "asio", "jack"] }
default = binary

The binary feature is set by default whenever pleezer is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

binary default

Enable command-line interface and binary build

Enables clap

Required by the binary


Enable ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) backend for low-latency audio (Windows only) Requires Steinberg ASIO SDK and additional build setup See:

Enables asio of cpal


Enable JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit) backend for low-latency audio with flexible routing (Linux only)
Requires JACK development files:
- Debian/Ubuntu: libjack-dev
- Fedora: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel

Enables jack of cpal