2 releases

0.1.4 Sep 13, 2024
0.1.3 Sep 10, 2024
0.1.2 Sep 10, 2024
0.1.1 Sep 10, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 10, 2024

#1110 in Command line utilities

Download history 435/week @ 2024-09-10 29/week @ 2024-09-17 20/week @ 2024-09-24 2/week @ 2024-10-01

86 downloads per month


758 lines

Please Installer

Please Installer is a unified interface package manager for many OSes inspired by UPT. Even though it has started as a fork from UPT, Please Installer was completely rewritten from scratch.

Please Installer is a beta release, not much is properly tested.

Such as UPT, Please Installer relies on the platform’s package manager to perform its tasks.


First install rustup using your system package manager, and then run:

rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-09-01
cargo +nightly-2024-09-01 install please-install

Note that, in order to use cargo and please on Posix systems, you need to put $CARGO_HOME/bin (usually $HOME/.cargo/bin) into PATH.

Development version

In order to install from HEAD, use the command:

cargo +nightly-2024-09-01 install please-install --git=https://github.com/cacilhas/please.git


❯ please help
A unified interface package manager for many OSes

Usage: please [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  install       install package(s)
  remove        remove package(s)
  upgrade       upgrade package(s)
  search        search for package(s)
  info          get info for a package
  update        update database
  list          list installed packages
  list-vendors  list available vendors
  help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -x, --skip-settings    skip settings
  -c, --config <CONFIG>  configuration file
  -d, --dry-run          dry run (do not actually execute commands)
  -y, --yes              assume yes for all prompts
  -s, --su               run as root (user must be sudoer)
  -v, --vendor <VENDOR>  set the installer command
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

You can also call help on subcommand:

❯ please help install
install package(s)

Usage: please install [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE]...

  [PACKAGE]...  package(s) to be installed

  -x, --skip-settings    skip settings
  -c, --config <CONFIG>  configuration file
  -d, --dry-run          dry run (do not actually execute commands)
  -y, --yes              assume yes for all prompts
  -s, --su               run as root (user must be sudoer)
  -v, --vendor <VENDOR>  set the installer command
  -h, --help             Print help

Supported vendors (backend package managers) are basically the same supported by UPT:

OS Tools
windows scoop, choco, winget
macos brew, port
ubuntu, debian, linuxmint, pop, deepin, elementary kali, raspbian, aosc, zorin, antix, devuan, bodhi, lxle, sparky apt, snap, flatpak
fedora, redhat, rhel, amzn, ol, almalinux, rocky, oubes, centos, qubes, eurolinux dnf, yum, flatpak
arch, manjaro, endeavouros, arcolinux, garuda, antergos, kaos pacman, yay, flatpak
alpine, postmarket apk
opensuse, opensuse-leap, opensuse-tumbleweed zypper, flatpak
nixos nix-env, flatpak
gentoo, funtoo emerge, flatpak
void xbps, flatpak
mageia urpm, flatpak
slackware slackpkg, flatpak
solus eopkg, flatpak
openwrt opkg, flatpak
nutyx cards, flatpak
crux prt-get, flatpak
freebsd, ghostbsd pkg
android termux
haiku pkgman


Please Installer can read settings from a configuration file in TOML format supplied by the option --config=<CONFIG>, by default $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/please.toml.

Valid options and default values are:

assume-yes = false  # assume yes for all prompts
su = false          # run as root (user must be sudoer)
vendor = ""         # use a specific package manager from the available list
pager = ""          # use a specific pager to paginate search and list; in search, $args is replaced by the query

The default pager is given by PAGER environment variable; if it’s supplied in the configuration file, Please Installer will assume --paginate.

You also may supply sessions to add per-subcommand settings. Valid sessions are [install], [remove], [update], [upgrade], [search], and [list].

Suggested configuration file:

assume-yes = true

su = true

pager = "bat --file-name='installed packages'"

su = true

pager = "bat --file-name='search $args'"

su = true

su = true

Known bugs

Check open issues for known bugs and feature requests.


This software is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.


~237K SLoC