#front-end #pkg #packages #gentoo #plus #emerge #gentoolkit

app pkg-gentoo

An emerge frontend with extra features

9 releases

0.1.0 Oct 27, 2020
0.0.9 Oct 5, 2020
0.0.4 Aug 21, 2020
0.0.2 Apr 2, 2020
0.0.1 Mar 20, 2020

#8 in #gentoo

Custom license

281 lines


A cli frontend to emerge, written in Rust.


Because. I can.


Rust and Cargo are required. It is recommended to install them via rustup.


  • gentoolkit: Enable this if you have gentoolkit installed and you can check the deps of packages.

Manually with cargo

1: cargo install --git https://github.com/Phate6660/pkg.git

From crates.io

cargo install pkg-gentoo

From overlay

Note: This is currently outdated, will update soon.

  1. Install the overlay p6nc-overlay.
  2. Ensure repos and overlays are synced: sudo emerge --sync.
  3. sudo emerge -atv pkg-gentoo

Note: Even though the package is named pkg-gentoo, the binary is still pkg.


$ pkg -h

pkg 0.0.9
Phate6660 <https://github.com/Phate6660>
A cli frontend for emerge, plus some extra features. Why? Because I can.

Note: Package operations require root.
So run with your preferred method of privilege elevation, otherwise emerge will ask if you want to pretend.

    pkg [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -c, --clean      Remove any un-needed packages.
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -l, --list       List currently installed packages.
    -p, --portup     One-shot emerge portage. Used when you need to specifically update portage.
    -S, --sync       Update repos and overlays.
    -u, --update     Update any installed packages.
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -w, --world      Prints the contents of your world file.

    -d, --deps <PKG>              View the dependencies of a package. Note: Requires gentoolkit to be installed.
    -f, --frem <PKGS>...          Force remove package(s).
    -i, --install <PKGS>...       Install package(s).
    -m, --metadata <PKG>          View the metadata of a package. Note: Requires gentoolkit to be installed.
    -r, --remove <PKGS>...        Remove package(s).
    -s, --search <SEARCHES>...    Search for package(s).


There's really nothing concrete. I'm just adding and editing features as I see fit right now.
If anyone actually wants to use this and would like to see features added, feel free to open an issue.
Or if you want to contribute anything, feel free to open a PR.


~70K SLoC